Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/458895-Time-time-never-enough-time
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#458895 added October 3, 2006 at 11:42am
Restrictions: None
Time, time, never enough time.
Ok, today seems like someone put the clocks on fast forward. It's almost 11 already and I'm scrambling to do things that need to get done.


OMG turn away for a moment to do a few other things and it's getting closer to midnight now. Better scurry. Um...

Yeah so I don't know what to write about except that time has FLOWN by today. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments about last nights entry. I don't know why the topic came up but since the urge was there I went with it. *Smile* Sometimes doing that produces remarkable things.

Today going with the flow is likely to just end up with a scrambled gibberish cause I'm rushing and in a bit of a tizzy fluster. I can't concentrate. my throat hurts. I'm tired.

Had a busy day today. Decided to take my kids to the movies. It's school holidays here and they've been so good over the weekend while I was sick. Even though we got rained on and I managed to blow threw WAY too much money for a single day outing we had a good time. Lots of junk food. Lots of walking and a good movie as well. Garfield 2 and I have to say I think for a change the sequel is better than the first movie. But then with Garfield maybe it's not really a sequel, Garfield's been around so long that the original is someplace not Garfield the first movie.

In the end I've decided I should marry a royal and be done with it. It looks like a lovely life to live in a castle with huge beds and servents to do your bidding. No housework, immaculate home and grounds. Seems ideal. Where does one get money to live like that? *nods sadly* Old money that eventually runs out if not invested wisely or married money. I have no objections to marrying money. *Wink* I like the idea. Although having said that I don't think I'd marry a guy JUST because he is rich but after being married to a guy who had no interest in money I certainly value it's power over the material things in life.

Time is money and I've spent a lot of both today. Time seemed to flutter by without my watching and it's still doing it although I'm keeping an eye to the corner of my screen so that I can post this before the clock dimes the hour. No point rushing an entry if I post it a day late.

But you know. I'm going to call this is. Can't go from a brilliant entry one day and expect more brilliance after a hectic day and a late night. Maybe I'll try harder tomorrow.

Ohhh BTW. I think I wrote a story. And even more amazingly I accomplished it in 156 words for the DWC challenge. *Smile*

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