Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/458534-Under-Pressure-to-be-BLUE
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#458534 added October 1, 2006 at 9:24pm
Restrictions: None
Under Pressure to be BLUE
Ok, signs of sickness starting to alleviate today and I just realised I have a couple of hours to post a blog entry to start the month off blue. I was doing pretty well last month. Except for that one black mark and then the last day. Darn getting sick though, it completely wipes me out.

Odds are I have strep throat. *sighs* It hurts to talk and it hurts to swallow. Thankfully the fever is gone for the moment but the headache lingers. I've eaten two meals in the past three days. One of which was chicken soup the other pumpkin soup. The pumpkin left a very strange orange sticky residue in my mouth, probably because I couldn't swallow properly.

Anyway, TMI (too much information) basically I think I'm on the mend because I'm functioning a little better today. Actually sitting at the computer and drinking a cup of tea however stiltingly. Also hungry this morning but had to wait for my mother to drop in with some milk since my little ones had helped themselves to mine over the weekend.

My brain is flopping about today not really with it yet. I did a little reading and a lot of sleeping this weekend. In a way it's been good to completely kick back. The sore throat isn't so good, nor was the fever and headaches but it gave me a reason to just stay in bed and be miserable. Not very often you have a good excuse to do that. *Wink*

Ok, so that's me, looking at the silver lining in ever rain cloud. *Pthb* I'm good at doing that. Watched a movie at some point, probably Friday night. It was called Pollyanna. About a little girl who's joy in the world was infection, she taught people around the town she moved too after the death of her parents a game her father had taught her. The Glad Game. Where no matter what is going wrong in your life you find something to be glad about. I've always believed in doing that too because I believe that everything that goes wrong happens for a reason in life. Everything that's happened has brought you to this moment and life is exactly as it is meant to be.

Fatalistic. Not that you shouldn't bother to improve your situation, just that there is no point regreting choices in your past or opportunities missed because if you'd taken those routes you'd not be who you are today.

Anyway, still sick, running out of time, and way TOO big a sort of topic to think about covering while my brain is still floating around elsewhere. I'm about to have some breakfast and will probably return to bed with another book or a movie very soon. *Smile*

Thank you everyone who's send me well wishes. It's lovely to know I'm thought of even when I'm not here. *Smile* I'll hopefully be all better very soon. *waves*

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