Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/455875-Into-The-Swing-Of-Things
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#455875 added September 19, 2006 at 10:47am
Restrictions: None
Into The Swing Of Things
From a low day where I felt like everything was against me and the world was just too much effort to a day that started off labored then really got crazy in a good way. Looks like yesterday's discourse hasn't had an adverse effect, yet.

I started the day like normal up and at them by 7AM and while I had planned to get some housework done people kept wanting to talk to me about stuff in chat so I didn't really get a chance. I also knew that I was on a tight schedule to complete the research and writing for this weeks "Invalid Item workshop and the workshop was my priority for the day. So long as I got the article written, posted, and last weeks entries judged and reviewed I knew I'd have had an excellent day.

The good news? I DID!!! *chuckles* It was a little bit iffy for a while there. For some strange reason my computer had a major heart attach around noon. It took me twenty minutes to get the lag demons out and I only managed that by hard crashing. I hate hard crashing, there is always the risk that nothing comes back at all. Thankfully, despite taking ages everything shut down and came back online without problems (so far as I can tell).

I struggled all morning settling into writing the article. Basically I didn't know enough and I keep thinking that anyone but me should be running this workship. I come across Moderators who have years of experience in both writing and teaching. A part of me goes, so why aren't you guys doing this instead? I'd much rather be a student then a teacher. The only reason I created the group and the workshop was because nothing like it existed already (so far as I could find). At least nothing that was currently active.

So in the morning I rounded up some of the poetry I've been working over the past few days and took a wander over some of the blogs I frequently. Kare has me in awe, such incredible poetry. Kare writes at least two poems a day and I think I might set a goal like that myself. Even if what I write is terrible quantity leads to quality because practice definately takes you leaps and bounds towards perfection.

I've got two new poems up for inspection at the moment. Well, really there are three but the third is in my "This poem does nothing for me" pile so I don't much care what the reviews for it are like and I'm not really very interested in working on it to make it 'better'. The other two are, "Invalid Item and "Invalid Item Actually there is another as well, "Invalid Item . Would love some feedback on these if anyone out there enjoys reading poetry.

After a rough morning motivation wise when it came to my article I really managed to settle into it in the afternoon. I'd left off early to join my daughter at her school for a "Learning Journey" (where parents get shown around to see all their kids have been working on in the past term) and then when we got home I was able to focus for some reason. The kids went off and played and I knuckled down to the subject. Learnt alot and managed to write what I hope is a clear and informative article that will inspire the PPP members to give Free Verse and Blank Verse a shot. I'm certainly inspired and I'll probably write a few myself this week. Normally I prefer the stricture of form but it'll be interesting to see what happens when let lose without rhyme and meter to hold me up.

So overall a very productive day. Plus I had a lot of fun in scroll. *Smile* I'm so glad to have gotten that working. I mean chat is fun but it's usually so lonely in there. Thankfully while Scroll has it's dull moments it can get quite lively and enjoyable.

Now the day is wrapping up and I'm listening and tuning out to some Blackmore's Night - Celtic Music. Might write up a list of what I want to accomplish tomorrow since there are a few things on my mind at the moment. It's also getting late and again I haven't watched the last of the movies I hired from the video shop. I need to do that asap cause it's got to go back. I already owe a days late fee's on them. *blush*

I hope everyone else has a lovely Tuesday. *Smile*

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