Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/453047-Brain-Fuzz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#453047 added September 6, 2006 at 9:18am
Restrictions: None
Brain Fuzz
I can't seem to turn my brain on today. I started the day wanting to just stay asleep. My kids were snuggled up beside me and it was nice and warm. I remember I'd been dreaming and I wanted to return to the dream. Part of me wonders if I really did wake up today.

The renovations are still in full swing here and the bathroom is definately coming along. Floor tiles and paint are about all that's left now so hopefully that means it'll be done by the weekend. *Smile* I'm looking forward to being the first to use the whole new bathroom. Even incomplete it's sooooooo pretty. *chuckles*

Anyway, my mentioning that was just to give reason for me staying away from the house all day today again. It meant I wasn't on the computer which was probably a good thing. I walked a fair bit and went to the shop again with Josh. But I didn't write at all today, the brain fuzz. *sighs*

I did however get a great new bag. My purse was starting to get on my nerves and I wanted something bigger, more like an attache so that I can fit my current manuscript in there along with other 'vital' content. *grins* It means my book travels with me wherever I go. Obviously the bag is a lot bigger then my old handbag but I got a clutch purse with it so that I can leave the bag in the car when I go shopping and it hangs on the pram when I'm walking.

Of course now I sit here at the computer again. And I want to write some poetry for the contests I want to enter and I want to write some more sonnets for the book of poetry I'm working on but I can't pull my brain together enough. It's all just fuzz. I can't even concentrate on reading, definately have no hope of reviewing. Thankfully I have some housework that I can get done and then I'll probably settle in with a movie before sleeping.

But for now, at least I accomplished a blog entry. The day is blue. Even if this jibberish was a mess at least it's written. Hopefully I'll have my brain back. And not long till the renovations are finished which means I'll get my home and my time back, ohhh and my bathroom *chuckles* Now time to go do things that don't require a brain.

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