Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/452799-Active-and-Productive-Everywhere
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#452799 added September 5, 2006 at 10:59am
Restrictions: None
Active and Productive Everywhere
The builders are still going strong in my bathroom. I now have wall tiles, bath, vanity and light/fan/heater fittings. It's all really beautiful and I can already see how drab the rest of the house will look in comparison when it's finished. Anyway, with them grinding and cutting tiles today and Josh always so very interested in all of it I really had to get out of the house again today. But I went out with a plan, an my pens and notebooks.

I did a lot of walking today and walking often leads me to singing and thinking. Mostly singing when I walk. I don't know why, I think it's the fresh morning air in my lungs and the beat in my feet as I stroll along. It helps me keep to an easy pace because if I walk faster I can't breath as effectively. I need to keep a moderate pace or my hips will be too sore by the following morning.

While I was out I was also thinking. About my novel, about my poetry, about the Persevering Poets Present group and the Tools of Poetry Workshop I run for them. Josh and I had breakfast at MacDonald's just so I could sit in the sun and spend some time writing while he had fun on the playground. It was lovely and I was enjoying it until the sun moved behind the tree and in the shadow the brisk wind was cold. So we moved on.

After a short shop, (for STATIONARY) *Wink* I ordered a coffee and went to sit in the park, again in the sun, while Josh played. I wrote a little, then pushed him on the swing. Then we moved on again, this time to the library. They have a lovely couch in the children's area and I made myself comfortable and started in on the new index cards I'd just purchased. Josh gathered books and started piling them on the chair.

When I'd done what I could with the cards (not having my draft with me) I turned and started reading the books to him having him return them as I finished each one. We had a delightful time there in the warmth and comfort. It was so nice that I could feel myself dozing off so I figured it was definately time to move on before I fell asleep.

We stopped in on my mother for a short while in the afternoon and then headed home where I worked some more. I managed to wrap up week one of the workshop and finished writing week two's article. It only scraps the surface of meter but it's definately a vital step in understanding what meter is and what it can do for poetry. Or at least I hope it is.

Judging the alliteration entries was tough. It was also time consuming. I reviewed each of the entries and was thankful that there was only one each. Even so it came down to a tight decision in the end as there were two poems that showed alliteration exquisetly. Still, I can only give one merit badge a week (and that sends me broke enough) so I focused on making the difficult choice and I feel the winner definately deserved it. I hope everyone will continue into week two with as much enthusiasm.

I'll probably aim to stay out of the house again tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be as kind as it was today. This time I'll take my draft for 'The Dating Game' I was really inspired to work on my novel today and wish I'd brought it with me. I'll try not to make the same mistake again. I have my index cards and the first draft and it's a case of repointing my points. I also want to get more detailed on my two main characters. They're not alive enough for me. Jake particularly is still two-dimensional and both ring false when they should ring true.

I expect when the time comes it'll be a full rewrite. I've grown so much in the year and a half since I wrote the first draft of 'The Dating Game' and there is so much it lacks that i see now with the distance of time. The plot is definately a solid base, but it definately needs more balance and flesh. But I'm looking forward to the challenge of scrubbing this one into shape.

I'm also still trudging along with the book I'm currently reading. It's a writing book by and author I'd never heard of and for some reason her voice just makes me groan. She has some interesting insights into writing which is the only reason I'm persevering. The good news is I have more books to look forward too when I finish hers. *Smile*

But right now? It's time to sleep. I'm still feeling a little wrung out from emotion. Each time I think I'm starting to feel ok again something on TV will trigger me to tears. I love how much everyone is showing their love and care for Steve but it's hard to keep seeing his face when the sadness is still so raw and new. I didn't realise I cared so much about the guy. Maybe I just need to go off and have a real good cry. Time heals all wounds. You know that phrase should be amended with, "Time heals all wounds, and the lasting memories leave scars." *sighs*

Ahhh, didn't mean to totally deflate my entry. Seriously, the sadness is there but we live on and we carry forward Steve's dreams. The world is a wonderous place, full of adventure, lets make the most of each and every day. Aspire to your dreams, reach for the stars, even if you never reach them you'll really have lived just for trying.

© Copyright 2006 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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