Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/452206-Frustrated-by-24-hour-days
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#452206 added September 2, 2006 at 10:57am
Restrictions: None
Frustrated by 24 hour days
*sighs* I feel like I'm coming back on the same issue, over and over again this week. While I'm excited that other areas of my life are progressing it's frustrating that my writing is having to take a back seat. I WANT TO WRITE!!! And OMG because I know how valuable it is to actually want to do it it's frustrating me that life keeps getting in the way.

I've suffered the reverse, hours and hours of time I could be writing and struggling to pull myself to the screen. It isn't as frustrating as having the words and being unable to get time to sit down and get them on the page. I live in fear that when I do get the chance they won't be there any more.. A part of me wants to scream, "STOP!!! I want to get off this rollercoaster." I want to slow down, or maybe I just want to stop dealing with reality long enough to get back into my fantasy world.

I keep trying to console myself with the fact that the turbulence is not forever. The renovations are coming along well and thankfully the brilliance of my builder means the week long delay we could of had isn't an issue.

Still, it doesn't feel like enough right at this moment. Thankfully my blog is something I can't put off. It's reassuring to picture my house falling down around my ears and me at this computer keeping the day blue. *chuckles* If only the same could be said for the rest of my work. *grimaces* Ahh, and there a stab of guilt because the time I dedicate to ensuring I have a blog entry could have been used to write something.

*sighs* Sorry for the rant today. But it helps to have gotten it out of my system. Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day. I guess my frustration is worse because I'd hoped to dedicate tomorrow to getting some work done and instead again, working on the house. I know I said I love this house, but sometimes I can hate it too. *chuckles* Of course even if it weren't mine I'd have to do housework etc. So I console myself with that. Maybe I can get what I need to do done quickly and then find the time to write after. *sighs* I hope so.

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