Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/450073-Not-about-Limericks
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#450073 added August 23, 2006 at 11:51am
Restrictions: None
Not about Limericks
[Post script added as pre warning: Beware, long, rambling, almost pointless blog. Read at your own risk and I won't hold it against you if you don't start or don't finish.]

I'm not going to write about Limericks today like I said I might yesterday. Why not? Cause I just don't the hell want to. *hears the whispers of "ohhh she swore"* Yeah, deal, that's why I stick the 18+ up there. So I have the freedom to be shitty and uncensored when I want to.

*takes a deep breath* Seriously though I'm not in a truely bitchy mood. I guess I'm just stressed and a little disappointed and frustrated with myself today. I feel like I've accomplished very little. In a writing sense that is because I have actually had a very full day.

It started with me unable to sleep this morning so I got up about 7AM (half an hour before the alarm) and loaded up the PC to check my regular and WDC email. Of course there was a fair bit of mail to sort through and by the time I next looked at the clock it was 8AM and the kids hadn't stirred so I had to go wake them up and rush through the morning routine to get my oldest to school on time.

Now if it were just any other school day this wouldn't have been a big deal. We'd have been ready in 30 minutes no problem and out the door on time. But today was a special dress up day at my daughter's school so I had to ensure she had her school uniform on and then a pretty fairy dress over the top. We also gathered a special lunch to make her special day even specialer (is that a word?)

Not only was it a special day for my daughter but a special day for me and my son. I'd made plans to head into the city to visit my sister. For those of you who don't know, I have no car. So a trip into the city (normally a 30 minute drive) involves a 45 minute walk to the train station, a 45 minute train trip, and 10 minute bus trip, and a 5 minute walk because I got of a bus station late.

It's the first time I've visited my sister at her new workplace so I was already anxious about finding the place. *pauses and takes another deep breath* Ok I'm rambling, sorry, let me get back on track here.

Basically I had a great day out. While a little stressful to begin with once I'd found the place it was a lot of fun. We went up to King's Park (about 20 minutes walk) and enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch with baby boy enjoying a run around in the grass and seeing the native birds and the incredible view over the Swan River and the panorama of the city. I think a more intricate bridge would complete Perth's charm although I suspect there would be concern that we're trying to outclass the Sydney Harbour.

After lunch I walked another hour (remember all this walking include pushing a pram with a two year old in it) back down to city center and browsed a book store. This was easily the highlight of my day because by the time I reached the store Josh had conked out in the pram and I had a chance to spend as long as I liked browsing the shelves without worrying he'd get bored. I also have a little cash spare to splurge on myself thanks to tax rebates and baby bonuses. I bought 7 new books all of them about writing. *Smile* I feel like 7 Christmases have come at once. It's wonderful to be able to treat myself with a gift like that for a change.

Then it was back to the train station for a 45min trip then as I was getting ready to get off the train I noticed a Finding Nemo school bag hanging on the handle of the pram. I put her bag there on the walk to school if she's opted not to carry it. Actually USUALLY she wears it to school and it goes on the pram for the trip home. Her bag of course has her special lunch in it and by now it's 2:30 in the afternoon and from the train station I had a 20min walk to her school to pick her up when school finished at 3PM.

OMG I'm such a terrible mother. At least that was my thought. Ironically my sister and I had earlier that day talked about the various faux pas I'd made as a mother in my time. So on the walk I texted her this brand new one. I spent the walk feeling wracked in guilt and wondering if someone had taken pity on her and provided her with lunch or if my precious little girl was starving. I expected her to come rushing at me with tears proclaiming, "I can't find my bag and I didn't get any lunch!!!"

She came out full of smiles, bubbling about having such a fantastic day. I actually had to calm her chatter to find out if she'd noticed we'd forgotten her school back and if she had infact eaten. She even had to take a moment to remember what she'd done about lunch. I was amazed to hear that my precious little girl, with no prompting, went over to the canteen and explained the situation to the lovely ladies there. They gave her a sandwich. Tomorrow I'm going to write a thank you letter, include some cash and drop it into the lunch order box when I take Kaylie to school. *Smile*

So, I got home after yet more walking (20 mins from school to home) and had planned to spend the afternoon working. So sat down and moaned softly loving the feel of my hips bent and my legs elevated. It was good to sit down after all that walking. I turned on the computer, checked my mail, twiddled around trying to figure out where to focus and knowing there is so much I need to do but not having the direction or motivation to pick any particular topic because if I picked one then I'm neglecting another.

In the end I gave up and pulled up the chat room and hung out there. Forge and I managed to accomplish a few things together. I helped him with his new in and out {item:} and he helped me tweak {item:} (still tweaking and v2 isn't available yet) So the night isn't a total right off. Plus I've splattered up this blog entry which was definately on my list to be done by midnight.

*smiles* I'm feeling better now. *chuckles* Writing it all down like this has made me see how much I HAVE got done today. On transit I did do a little writing and idea jotting. I did a little tweaking here and there of poems. I had a great day out and my daughter had a great day at school and proved how mature she's getting. Overall, I can't be too displeased with that.

On that note I'm going to wrap and say g'night. Maybe Limericks will come up tomorrow. No promises although if you're itching to find out what I have to say about them then let me know. If there is a demand then I'll make it more of a priority. *grins and waves*

© Copyright 2006 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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