Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/449776-The-wonders-of-being-Pensive
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#449776 added August 22, 2006 at 10:44am
Restrictions: None
The wonders of being Pensive
[1AM WDC TIME] - Note to Self: Today's entry will be all about Pensive.
Note to everyone else: Yeah sometimes I need to keep a note so I don't forget. *Pthb* I mean my blog writing time isn't for another 8 hours at least and a lot happens in my Gemini mind between now and then. FWIW Pensive just saved you all the horror of reading about Limericks, those I will deliberate over tomorrow unless some other topic comes up that takes precedence.


[10AM WDC TIME] *settles in for a character review and grins wickedly in Pensive's direction, cackling softly*

Alright then... The time has come for me to horribly embarress a particularly incredible person. *gulps at suddenly being struck wordless* Um...

You know I think my biggest problem is that Pensive and I haven't really know each other long. I mean I've been away from WDC for months now, 7 months I was away in fact and have only been back about 2 but it's only in the last week or so that I started to get to know Pensive.

You know I'm still trying to decide if Pensive is male or female. *blushes* I keep going to write SHE and then going hang on maybe it's a he. *blushes some more and looks pleadingly at Pensive for forgiveness* How am I supposed to write about someone if I don't even know what their gender is.

The worst thing is part of my brain is telling me we've already covered the matter. *chuckles* This flicker of memory that makes me think it's come up before. But I've looked over my comments in Pensive's blog and Pensive's comments in mine and our emails and can't find any mention. Should I just alternate between saying He/She? Or write it s/he? Or just keep what I've done so far in this entry and say Pensive this and Pensive that as if I'm so enfatuated I can't stop saying the name.

*starts to wonder how many times in one entry I could get away with saying it without sounding rediculous and then begins to suspect I started sounding rediculous back at the first sentence.*

Anyway, Pensive is warm-hearted and charming with a wit (or is that twit) and charisma that is unlike any other. It's amazing how each person I've met in WDC seems so unique. Sure they say that no two people are ever the same but I'd have thought more people would be very similar to each other then we find here. Pensive is most definately unlike any person I've ever come across before.

Curious and inspired to learn, Pensive's blog "Invalid Item asks questions like, "What are perks?", "Where is a packet of Depends to handle American incontinents?" *grins* Sorry I'm stick chuckling over that one Pensive, couldn't help but bring it up.

Beyond being sincerely interested in the world and the people in it, Pensive CARES about people. Honestly cares. Not just seeming to care like a great many people seem to in this modern age, but true friendship and concern for other beings. Pensive wonders over the lives of fellow bloggers and misses them, actively seeking out favorites when they've been absent. Asking after friends just to know they're safe and hoping their happy.

Of course the best thing about Pensive is that when I cried "LOOK AT ME!!!" Pensive did. *chuckles* For those who haven't already noticed I have a pretty deep-seated insecurity complex. All my life I've felt insignificant, over-looked, forgotten, unnoticable, ignored. More recently I'd like to think that I'm coming out of my shell more and putting myself out there and I guess I've been getting a little blatent about it sometimes. *blushes*

But Pensive noticed this little bubble of energy dancing about in the blog comments and said, "Yep, she's a likeable enough person." (at least I hope that was the thought, I mean it could as easily have been, "God I better write about her so she'll shut up and stop whinging.") *shakes head and tries to focus on positive thoughts about myself* Pensive took me under wing and gave me what I begged for and so much more.

It was incredible to be seen and while the comments were supposedly insults they weren't at all. They captured things about me that I wasn't sure anyone noticed. They teased light-heartedly and with such warm that I really felt cared about and it makes me hope that the friendship developing between us will continue to grow.

Thank you Pensive. I don't have you way with being funny and a "100%USDA approved smart ass" *winks* So you'll just have to deal with a heartfelt gush instead. *Smile* *smothers you in hugs*

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