Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/449628-Reviewing---OMG-Im-running-so-late
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#449628 added August 21, 2006 at 12:45pm
Restrictions: None
Reviewing - OMG I'm running so late
Um, It's 12:30 and I should have been in bed at least 30 minutes ago but I'm scrambling to wrap up a few things I was in the middle of and didn't want to put off till tomorrow. That includes todays blog. Just forgive me for it being a rushed and unfocused one.

Um... I had thought up a really great topic for today but I've forgotten what it was. *pouts* So I'll grab another topic, reviewing, and ramble on that for a few before sleeping. *winks*

The other day NS needs a new muse a member of "Invalid Item introduced me to a contest he runs that focuses on reviewing. I've never been a prolific reviewer and couldn't even imagine how someone could possibly review nearly 200 items in a single week. I mean this version of myself has been a member of WDC a year and only just crossed the 100 reviews total threshold.

Anyway, I signed up and today spent the day doing mostly reviewing. I accomplished 13 reviews and of that I'm very proud. My goal was 15 but I stopped at 13 due to a discouragement issue and restored my energies for tomorrow. Still I'm delighted by my 13 reviews. Each review takes me about 20 minutes and I feel like they are detailed and offer a great wealth of feedback to the writer.

OMG I can't believe how 'up myself' that just sounded. I freely admit I'm not the worlds greatest reviewer so I don't really mean that I'm the greatest. I think what I mean is that I KNOW I've done it to the best of my ability and you can't ask for more than that. *Smile*

I also found that I really enjoy reviewing. The only rub of the matter is that because I'm a professional copyeditor I could be getting paid for doing the rewriting for people instead. *chuckles* But it's a writing site and so offering feedback on how THEY can rewrite it is more benifitial to them then me doing it for them.

Author's Note: Please beware that I do NOT copyedit my blog entries. They are always posted as is (brain vomit) and while I attempt to avoid or correct any major gaffs I in no way consider this a forum for displaying my skill with words. As such if anyone's considering hiring me as a copy editor please don't judge my professional ability on the quality of my blog entries.

Yeah has to be ego involved there thinking that anyone here might be considering hiring a copyeditor of my likes. *chuckles* I'm rambling and I should be sleeping.

Anyway what was my point? Oh, um, I'm enjoying the Reviewing and I recommend everyone take up NS's challenge. Even if you don't enter the contest do some reviews. Being a reviewer makes you a better writer. Because in seeing the faults in other peoples works we are more likely to be able to find them in our own.

Having said that I wish I could critique my own works in the way I review others. *frowns* I guess I just can't get enough objectivity when it comes to my own writing. I'm always reading what I'd meant to say instead of what I did. I guess that's why all writers need reviewers and editors. *Smile*

*takes a deep breath thankful to have come to an end of sorts and then promptly zonks to sleep on the keyboard, QWERTY imbedding in my forehead*

© Copyright 2006 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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