Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/449378-The-WDC-Chat-Room
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#449378 added August 20, 2006 at 11:03am
Restrictions: None
The WDC Chat Room
*sneaks about trying not to be noticed still awake when I said I'd head to bed for 10PM tonight and it's 30 past already but I HAVE to post my blog so shush and bare with me (glances at Forge - yeah you know I mean you most of all)*

Um... Well... Ok...
First let me beg humble forgiveness for the following post and the short dit that just proceeded it. My only excuse is that I didn't sleep last night and it's all the fault of, *dun dun dun dun* THE WDC CHAT ROOM.

I've been around WDC in various forms for years. Yes I was here when WDC wasn't even WDC. It used to be *pauses for dramatic effect* stories.com I don't remember SDC being a widely used term however although I can't imagine why it wouldn't have been. You know that was ages ago. That was so long ago I don't even remember how long ago it was. But then I don't remember how long ago lunch was either.

WDC has gone through a lot of changes over the years. It's still yellow. Actually it's some variant color, shades between yellow and white and something else but I've no idea what color it might be called. Speaking of color we had TWO scintillating conversations relating to that very topic in *dun dun dun dun* THE WDC CHAT ROOM last night.

Did you know some idiot has gone and give a color the name WATERFALL. Seriously this flabbergasted me. How can anyone even consider claiming that a single color could possible be the color of a waterfall. Waterfalls are an intricate blend of so many shades and tones and hues. The color rose also saddens me. A rose is not always rose in color. Where do they get off being so broad and blatant as so call THAT color rose. And if there is a vermillion rose in your garden was wasn't the color we call vermillion given the name rose instead.

You begin to see the deep and meaningful discussions that gave me reason not to sleep last night.

I've wandered around WDC for years and there have been new additions. Back in the day there weren't no blogs. OMG How did we survive. I think most of us actually did more 'writing'. You know stories and poetry and novels. That stuff we write blogs to avoid writing. *nods sagely* There are also lots of other additions to the site that never used to be there and I know SM and SMs are always working hard on more features and on improving all those features already here. Kudos and a million thanks to those two. I know everyone here at WDC appreciates all your efforts over all these years.

Oh BTW I heard a rumor that the WDC Writers Conference is to be no more. I sincerely hope this isn't true. *Frown* While I've never had the opportinuty to attend before I was very much hoping that I'd have the chance to save up for 2007 or 2008 or 2009 and fly up there to hang with WDCers face to face. The array of articles and commentaries that members who attended always wrote after each smashing event made it very clear they were ALWAYS a success. What on earth could possibly end these joys and surely we as a community can pull together to figure out a way to keep the WDC Conferences happening.

Ok, heartfelt appeal over, back on track.

*dun dun dun dun* THE WDC CHAT ROOM. *grins* I FOUND IT!!!! It's been around a while now. I'm not sure how long exactly. I believe it had been a fairly recent addition when I had occassion to lose my way to the site back in November which makes me think it's about a year or between a year and two years old. But for me it's 48 hours old and it's already CHANGED MY LIFE!!!

I got curious about the link. It's pretty over there on the left of the screen (or is it the right of the screen cause if the screen were looking at us it would on the screens right) *remembers she really does need to sleep and shakes her head to clear cobwebs* It's this pretty link that says simple, "Chat".

I have a thing for clicking/touching/meddling with things that are pretty or shiny or bright red with signs that say "Don't Touch" or "Hazardous". I'm like the cat you can't convince of the mundaneness of the tumble drying. It's white, it's square, and it's got this dark little cubby hole. It HAS to be interesting. Seriously.


Ok so I had to go fiddle around a little to give WDC exclusive access to present me with spam, pop ups, random encounters of unnatural varieties but after doing so I tryed the link again and up popped: *dun dun dun dun* THE WDC CHAT ROOM. WOOT!!!

Of course it was empty. Void of life.

But I left it up for a little bit and people came in and we said "Hi" and since we were in a chat room we figured it was probably a good idea to attempt to chat. And people came and people went and there were so many fun and friendly faces over the 24+7 hours I spent in there this weekend that I'm addicted.

Yes I claim it. "Hi, I'm Rebecca and I'm a WDC Chat Addict." *wonders if there are choruses of "Hi Rebecca." at the meating. I know there are other chat addicts cause I met a couple of them but I don't know if they're beyond the denial stage yet.

We talked and talked for hours and hours and the topics were vast and enthralling and sometimes very particularly scary. It ranged from writing, to colors, to programming, snow, holidays, to sex, to religion, to poetry, to mental health, to social politics, to STAR WARS YODAISMS!!!

I warned you things did occassionally get scary. We chatted onto people, countries, languages, to movies, and music which included both popular hits and instrumental, and the meaning of life which is invariably either 42 or cheese and the debates on the issue continue.

We ventured into writing frequently, and reviewing, and sharing each others writing and reviewing. We covered Shakespeare heartedly, and Harry Potter too, returned to Star Wars both as a topic and recurring Yodaisms. There were occassions to digress into piratics.

The best thing about it all was that pretty much everyone who wandered through chat, and even more particularly the ones who hung there a while had something really interesting to say about whatever the topic was at the time. Just as we've found in our wandering on the streets of Blogville and as keeps amazing me profusely there are PEOPLE out here in this intricate weave of 1's and 0's (yes binary came up at one point and so did pixelature) that are really very nice, interesting and inspiring.

"I'm Rebecca, and I'm a WDC Chat Addict" and while after so many hours of getting very little done but chatting I do appreciate that this addiction needs to be kept in firm hand I make no appologies. I LOVE CHAT! and I'll continue to frequent it.

To all the great friends I made there, Hi, and thanks so much for baptising me to WDC Chat so brilliantly. I hope even more of us find our way to the shiny button over there that says, "Chat". If you haven't ventured there yourself yet then I recommend trying it sometime. If it's quiet in there just wait a little, or come back on a different hour, because when things liven up a little it's always a great deal of fun.

Ok Forge, I'm going to bed now. *Smile* G'night everyone and for those whom it's daytime, have a great day. *waves*

© Copyright 2006 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Rebecca Laffar-Smith has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/449378-The-WDC-Chat-Room