Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/448906-Newest-Endevours---Persevering-Poets-Present
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#448906 added August 18, 2006 at 8:42am
Restrictions: None
Newest Endevours - Persevering Poets Present
Well in the spirit of always knowing that a great way to procrastinate is to invent new projects I did it! I must admit part of the blame goes to yellow briefcases. I mean there are lots and lots of yellow briefcases around WDC and despite my past activity on the site and the years I've wandered it (admittedly only one and a half of them in this current incarnation) I remain a lowly black.

Ok, so the guide about how case colors come about does state that whining about it won't get you anywhere. I've kept this in mind in the past and remained silent but well, it's my blog if I want to sulk a little just this once I'm entitled to. *Wink*

Anyway, I digress so lets get back on track. I was thinking about yellow cases and how generally they are granted to people who are active in a community sense. Last year I created the Dear You contest which some might remember being that the appifany came for it in this very journal. This year I'm less concerned with advice columns. I mean they are great but my interest at the moment relates more immediately to my poetry, short stories, and novels.

I was reading one of my latest poems, "Invalid Item, and wondering how to encourage people to review it because while it's delightful I really felt that feedback could benifit me as a poet. There are various ways to gain exposure and I've taken up some of them for that poem but it wasn't enough.

What I found as I browsed this "writing" site is that there doesn't seem to be any poetry groups. Well actually there are, about a dozen of them but they don't really involve digging into poetry. They also didn't seem particularly active.

What better way to remedy such an oversight then to create a community within the community specifically dedicated to disecting all things poetic. Thus, the PPP was born.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1145708 by Not Available.

Actually more than just the group was created. I mean what good is just a group of names gathered on a page without the means to communicate. So with the group comes the forum.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1145718 by Not Available.

And there is the group application and an image too and so of course I had to keep my port tidy and put them all into a folder of their very own. *grins* At the moment they're all works in progress but then isn't everything.

I hope that the PPP will grow into a welcoming and forever expanding family of poets. I hope that there we'll all be able to grow our abilities and extend our knowledge of the art of poetry together. I hope we'll share reviews openly in the forum so that all poets might benifit from the feedback given to everyone's poems. I have a lot of hope for this group.

Of course, maybe it's just another way to make myself busy. At least it's a writing devoted task so I don't need to feel too guilty. It will hopefully be a benifit to the WDC poetic community and assuming people join up and take part will help me and each other grow as writers.

Check it out if your in anyway a poet, good or bad, experienced, beginner, amateur, tinkerer, hobbiest, professional, whatever.

Meanwhile, back to the grindstone for me. I promised to review "The Painter for a brand new newbie who gave me a wealth of encouraging and helpful feedback for my aforementioned poem. I plug it because it's his very first addition to the site and I'm sure he'd welcome others offering feedback also.

All the best to everyone.

© Copyright 2006 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Rebecca Laffar-Smith has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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