Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/448135-Im-writing-again
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#448135 added August 15, 2006 at 10:03am
Restrictions: None
I'm writing again!!!
Well today I finally put off the shackles and sat here and wrote. At first I just looked at something in my life and dumped a sonnet to the page about what was in my head but after doing that I wrote two more sonnets less intertwined with reality and more music of the heart.

I plan to write more sonnets. I might make a theme of them. Collect a whole bunch of sonnets together. I've already got a number of them in my collection and I'll add some of my older ones back into my portfolio now I've finally invested in upgrading it for another year.

Of course I don't only want to write poetry. So tomorrow I might challenge myself to do something different. Perhaps a short story or perhaps and article. If I wrote an article I could probably look towards getting it published but as always I'd have to figure out what subject to write about and which angle to take. Still, doing that would be actively working more so then writing a random poem.

The other option would be to spend time one of my novels. 'The Dating Game' most likely. It's important for me to get back to that as soon as possible. I should gather together and print the final first draft and read it cover to cover as a whole. Evaluate the front to back as a story and work on fixing the loops and twists, pulling it together, evening out the kinks and smoothing in more balance as a whole. There is no point minisculising the chapters by picking apart grammar at this stage, it's still too new.

But, it's stepping forward with confidence. Getting myself back on that road at last. And my writing isn't the only forward step I've made at last. I'm back to watching my weight (watching it go down again, I'm determined) and back to caring about my environment. It's definately long overdue, this putting my life back into balance. It's important to me, and it's finally happening.

Onward, to success and happiness in every moment.

© Copyright 2006 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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