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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/446980-Trip-to-Jail
by Ho Tep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #900612
The ups and downs of being single in your 30's...early 30's that is.
#446980 added August 10, 2006 at 12:06pm
Restrictions: None
Trip to Jail
Yesterday my brother and I took the day off work to take a road trip to visit our friend in jail. The "Men's Correctional Facility'" (to be politically correct) was approximately 2 hour and 15 minutes away.

Visiting hours weren't beginning until 2:30pm so we planned to leave at noon, which we were pretty close to meeting that plan. Our drive up was great. I love having one on one time with him. We get to catch up on day to day crap without having to deal with anyone else listening to or questioning us.

We finally made it to the city we were looking for where we were greeted with a sign saying, "Welcome to St. Louis, the Middle of the Mitten." How funny is that?! *Smile* After driving through many corn fields we found the street we were looking for. The arrow pointed straight into a mobile home park. *Confused* We debated if we should pull in there or keep going. Could they possibly have put a prison at the back end of a mobile home park?? Turns out, the sign is off just a tad. The street was up a little, but through us off because it said it was a dead end road.

We pulled into the parking lot where we could see multiple buildings all surrounded by a tall fence with razor wire all along the top. I looked like a camp, not like the prison's you see on T.V.

We followed an older couple into a building as we had no clue which building to enter...we guessed right! *Smile*

Then the craziness began. We both were completely clueless on what to do so we asked the lady, or I should say female officer, at the desk. She gave us a number and told us to sit down. We both went to the bathroom and came out and looked at the clock as we sat. 2:27pm...couldn't have timed it any better if we tried! *Bigsmile*

We knew we could only have $15 each and our license with us, which we both did; however, we were watching a lot of people walking over to the change machine. This puzzled us...doesn't take much!! *Laugh* We figured in the meeting room they vending machines would take dollars, but to be safe we asked these two older women next to us. They said we had to go to the desk, get a baggie, then cash our $15 into quarters...no bills allowed. Cool, all set...I thought.

Then they call our number and we had to sign in and got a locker key. EVERYTHING except for your baggie of coins, license and locker key and to remain in the locker. Matt couldn't even take a piece of paper with him. As we sat waiting to be called to go back there the older woman told me that I may not be allowed back there because of my shirt. What?! I was wearing a tank top that had a silver design on the front of it and the top of it had sleeves wide enough to just cover my bra straps and NO cleavage was showing. She told me to just make sure I keep it pulled up. Um, okay?! *Confused*

They called me up there, but Matt had to wait. Woman go to a female officer and men go to a male officer, but they don't go in at the same time. I walked through the metal dector and then had to give this guy in a booth my license and pick up a badge. Then I had to sit down, take my sandles off and show them my feet. Then I had to stand with my back to the officer while she rubbed every part of my body...NO, I didn't enjoy it! *Smile* She mentioned something about my top asking me to try to tuck my straps better. If they kept showing they'd have to get me a smock as it was my first time there...if it was my 2nd time, they'd send me home.

I used my badge to hold one of my straps still and for my whole visit kept checking the other strap. I picked up my license and got some invisible ink crap put on my hand and was let in the room. I was so nervous standing there. Would he look different, would he act different, would he be happy to see me...so many thoughts in those 2 minutes before I saw him. I couldn't help but smile big when he walked i the door!! He was allowed to give me a hug and we were assigned to a table, where we waited for Matt.

Matt almost didn't get in because when he sat his shorts were 3 1/2" from his knee and they are supposed to be 3" or less from this knee. Geesh!!

The time we spent with him was great. We didn't do anything other than talk, but I haven't heard his voice since he left for prison, which is about 4 months ago. We've written numerous letters, but it isn't the same. It was extremely hard to leave though. We all did good keeping our cheery faces on, but as I hugged him good bye and I looked back at him before I walked through the door I could see it in his eyes. It was so very sad. Makes me tear up thinking about it!!

So this morning all I do is keep thinking about him and realizing how much I truly miss him! This is going to be a long 2 years!!!

© Copyright 2006 Ho Tep (UN: yellow1671 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Ho Tep has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/446980-Trip-to-Jail