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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/446248-Hedge-Itch
by Ho Tep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #900612
The ups and downs of being single in your 30's...early 30's that is.
#446248 added August 7, 2006 at 10:32am
Restrictions: None
Hedge Itch
This morning Mark and I were walking before work and it was still dark out. Out of the blue a jogger appeared behind us, which scared the crap out of me, but reminded me of something that happened to me years ago.

The summer I turned 18 I was spending every weekend at the house in Detroit where John, now my ex, Lori, my friend and a rotating roomate lived. One weekend Lori's cousin Ann was having a party at her place in Warren...about 20 minutes from where we were staying. There were a lot of people at the party and everyone was having a good time...drinking, playing volleyball or cards and standing around bsing. That was until the drama began. Lori had her younger cousin there, I think her name is Christy, who was about 14 or 15...I think. Anyway, she was liking one of Lori's friends, that I believe was the rotating roommate at that point. At the time he was 19 or 20 and drank excessively so Lori didn't want Christy to have anything to do with him. For any of you that know a teenage girl or were one at one point, you know this is not what you want to hear, especially if you've been drinking! *Smile*

To help calm her down, Christy and I went for a walk down the block. I'd say we were gone for about 15 to 20 minutes at the most. When I got back John was pissed! He had started drinking liquor, which was never a good mix...it made him very mean! Apparently someone told him I had gotten in the car with someone and took off. I tried explaining myself, but the whiskey had taken over. He just kept telling me to leave...so I did. Unfortunately my car was sitting at the Detroit house, but I was so mad I put it in my head I was walking there and driving home once I got my car.

I started my journey in the wrong direction...I have a bad sense of directions, especially at night! *Smile* After going a mile out of my way I was finally on the right track. Lori came to try to stop me, which I ignored her efforts and continued walking. She never returned again! So I kept walking, by myself in my 80's style mini skirt, flats and light shirt...not even a purse! I had multiple cars stop asking if I needed a ride...all men...which I said no to each one of them. I stopped at a pay phone to call my one friend I could always count on, but he was up north. I didn't dare call anyone else at that late hour. My anger was starting to subside and I was getting a little concerned I was stuck walking and was getting closer and closer to the streets of Detroit...alone!

I thought of calling my parents, but I knew they would gladly pick me up, but after hearing the story would probably forbid me to see John again, which now that I'm older, this could have been a blessing!

As I was walking near where two expressways were about to meet I noticed a guy walking ahead of me. My mind was so focused on my task at hand it didn't really phase me. I remember looking up and he was gone, but I didn't think much of it. Until I reached these tall bushes. He jumped out of them with his dick in his hand, looked at me and asked if I wanted hedge itch. Puzzled, I replied, "what?" What the hell is hedge itch is what I was thinking, not even processing the fact a strange man stood before me with his manlyhood in his hands and appearing to be nearing ready for action. He simplying asked me again if I wanted hedge itch. I said no and kept walking. Then it hit me and I got freaked out! I jumped a fence and ran down onto the expressway.

What the hell was I thinking?! I kept walking and kept having cars stop, which I turned each one away. At this point I was walking barefoot as my shoes got messed up climbing the fence. A car pulled over, rolled his window down and asked if I needed help or a ride. I told him no and kept walking. He didn't take that as a final answer and drove behind me on the side of the expressway until he got next to me again. He asked again if I wanted a ride, which I still said no. He said he didn't like the idea of a girl walking by herself in that area at that time of night and promised he'd take me where I needed to go unharmed. I looked at him, he seemed sincere and he had a cast on his arm, so I figured if he tried anything I could hit his arm to cause pain enough for me to escape. So I got in the car and surprisingly I wasn't scared. Each person I've told this story to has told me how crazy I was and how lucky I was he was a nice guy.

He had just gotten in a fight with his girlfriend and was headed to his brother's place. He dropped me off at the end of the block where the house was because if John seen me in someone else's car he'd probably kill them!

Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of walking alone in the dark any more!! *Smile*

© Copyright 2006 Ho Tep (UN: yellow1671 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/446248-Hedge-Itch