Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/444973-Contemplating-the-Road-to-Success
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#444973 added August 2, 2006 at 6:31am
Restrictions: None
Contemplating the Road to Success
I've been thinking a lot lately on the mark I make in this world. I look at what I've accomplished with life in my twenty-four years and while I love my home, and my children I can't help but wonder how much more I could be doing.

It's times like this I have a few regrets about the choices I've made in life. Choices like leaving school early instead of sticking it out, studying hard, and graduating. Not extending my education by going to university. Getting married and starting a family so very young. Not experiencing more of the average workplace before getting tied to the homefront with childcare.

Of course it's pointless to live in regret. While sometimes I wonder where life might have led had I made other choices, the fact is, this is where I am now and all I can do is focus on the choices I make for the future. The real trouble is figureing out what those choices are.

I'd like to do copyediting/writing freelance. I've done this in the past but failed to take it seriously enough to develop a client base. Now I wonder how to attract people interested in paying for this service. Particularly those interested in hiring an unqualified, barely educated, writer wannabe. *sighs and grimaces*

I talk badly of myself. What I mean is a writer who has no formal qualifications. I don't have a masters in English or Journalism. It makes me wonder what it would take for me to get such qualifications. I expect to even be considered for such a course I'd have to pass a high school equivelancy exam. Those sorts of exams would require basic understanding of mathmatics at the very least which makes my odds of passing particularly unlikely.

So it would of course require study to even pass that. It's doable. And it would be worth it to have a degree that can put me ahead of competitors in my field. Of course, practical experience could be just as worthwhile. I should track my hours more carefully for the work I do. I've tracked time already but so far it's been fairly minimal. It would also require getting more work.

So, there are options. It's definately time to explore all those options available. Consider my writing more seriously. It's not a hobby. It's my career. Yes it's been at a stand still for almost a year. But I've been doing this in the past and I want to make this my future. I have time before I'd be required to support myself with this but time swiftly runs out so I need to act NOW.

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