Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/444427-From-Sugar-to-Sugar-filled-Two-year-olds
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#444427 added July 30, 2006 at 9:29pm
Restrictions: None
From Sugar to Sugar-filled Two-year-olds
Ok, so I can't really blame the sugar but on Saturday morning as I was still struggling with the sugar hangover of Friday I was laying in bed minding my own business and preparing to face the day ahead when out of the darkness sneaks A heffalump. Or maybe it was my 13kg Two-Year-Old but at the time it felt like a heffalump as he lept on me and crunched my very tender spine.

I moaned in agony waiting for the pain to subside and it did, so long as I didn't move. Thankfully being Saturday I DIDN'T have to move so I stayed in bed and spent the day warding the children away from the bed and listening to them distrubute (read toss) their toys around the living room.

Thankfully by the evening I was able to get up without crying but I got their dinner, baths, and to bed before settling in for a movie on the couch and staying there until bedtime.

Sunday we had a BBQ lunch with me ex-husbands family, (oh joy) and I pulled off healthy and happy pretty well in front of them *chuckles* And today I've got movement and am feeling ok so long as a don't lean back in the chair and put pressure on my spine or move my neck too suddenly.

As I said, can't really blame sugar for that one because baby boy was just acting as baby boys do and not realising that there are parts of a human body that shouldn't be jumped on.

Of course it has given me a great reason to not do housework this weekend. Perhaps I should be proud that even injured I managed three loads of laundry and a dishwasher cycle. *Smile* Of course, the toys are still strewn across the living room *sighs* I'll have to get them back into the toy box today.

Hope everyone else had a less traumatic weekend and got through it injury free. *Smile* Here is to Monday's, when at least one child goes to school. lol Yes only a mother can actually appreciate weekdays. *grins*

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