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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/443603-Great-DayStrange-Lunch
by Ho Tep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #900612
The ups and downs of being single in your 30's...early 30's that is.
#443603 added July 27, 2006 at 2:32pm
Restrictions: None
Great Day...Strange Lunch
This morning my cell phone rang and I thought it was my apartment complex calling to let me know if I had been approved. To my surprise it was Eric. I was all excited until my phone started beeping letting me know the battery was dying. *Frown* I walked to my car and sat there using my car charger! *Bigsmile* We talked for a bit and planned to meet for lunch today. I was not as prepared as I would be for a date, appearance wise that is, but if we are gonna date he's gonna see my casual side sooner or later, right?! *Laugh*

I was feeling pretty happy, so I decided to call my apartment complex to see what the status is. Gina answered and told me that I was approved. YIPPEE!! I didn't think I'd have a problem, but that little voice in the back of my head wouldn't let my worry leave!

What better could happen today...I have a boy that is interested and a date for the first time in a LONG time AND I now have a move in date and place to move to! *Smile*

So Eric calls me as he is getting ready to leave his house so we can figure out a meeting place. He wanted to stay near the expressway since he had a meeting after our lunch. First thing that came to mind was Coney Island. He said, "Oh, no, this isn't an actual date, just a reaquaintance so we should just grab a quick sandwich at like Subway or Arby's. What? *Confused* First off, I never said he had to pay and second Coney is very fast and pretty dang cheap. I was convincing myself to keep positive thoughts while I drove to Arby's to meet him.

I get there and he was waiting inside. He greeted me at the door then turned in front of me to walk to the counter. I'm not a stickler on all the girly rules, but being this is our first meeting shouldn't he know he is to allow me to walk in front of him?! How else does he get to check out my cute ass??? *Laugh*

We get to the counter and he asks me what I want to eat off their 5 for $5.95 menu. Holding back from raising my eyebrow...at least I hope I did...I replied to him that I don't eat anything from that menu. He looked surprised and said, "Oh, I thought we'd share from that menu." I think he was scared I might actually want to spend more than $3 on myself! *Smile* I told him he could order whatever he wanted and I'd order my own sandwich. He persisted, so I let him buy me a soft drink. Then he forgot to order my sandwich, which I ended up paying for myself. No biggie, just funny I guess! He did fill up my pop and get a straw for me though! *Smile*

As most of you know, I have an obsession with men's hands. Not that I am turned on by them, but they are one of the first things I have to notice because guys with small hands give me the willies!! So, as we sat I looked at his hands. YUK! Nearly all the nails had black gunk under them. I realize he is a chemist, but can't he invent something to clean that crap off?? Conversation was a little strained. He proceeded to talk a lot about his dating life. The date he just went on, how he didn't start dating until after college, how he meets people, but none worth staying in a relationship with, etc. Then he starts talking about different types of people that are "beneath" him. Oh, he said that he doesn't like meeting women with kids because he feels they are easy and don't have much common sense. Huh?! *Confused* He said they should have realized they didn't belong with the guy that got them pregnant and chose not to have sex with them. Hmmm, must be nice to be so perfect, eh? He also mentioned how he goes for a month or two at a time out of state for work.

With all that said I've decided he is not the right guy for me. Although, through my bored eyes I somehow made a good impression because he asked me when I was free this weekend. How are some guys so clueless? Oh, wait, maybe I should just turn to a career of acting if I am that convincing at making him think I was interested. *Laugh*

So now it is all up to Vince next week...Lord, wish me luck!!

© Copyright 2006 Ho Tep (UN: yellow1671 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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