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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/441655-Speed-Dating
by Ho Tep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #900612
The ups and downs of being single in your 30's...early 30's that is.
#441655 added July 19, 2006 at 8:31am
Restrictions: None
Speed Dating
The night I've been waiting for finally happened! Last night was the speed dating event that I signed up for with a friend. Up until my drive home from work I was excited about it...at that point the nerves kicked in. Then I tried talking myself out of it. I was asking myself questions like, "do I really need to do this...who would notice if I didn't show up...maybe I should wait until after I move." A little voice inside me pushed all the second guessing away and told me to go. Darn voices!! *Smile*

I met my friend Annette at the martini bar around 6:45pm...check in was from 6:30pm to 7:15pm and the dating was to begin at 7:30pm. We walked to the front counter and signed in. They gave us a sticker with our name and a number on it...I was lucky #7. Then we moved onto the bar...must have a drink to calm the nerves!!

As we stood at the bar there were a few guys that began talking to us. The place was rather small so the majority of the people there were for the event,which made things a little more relaxed...no audiences! *Smile* After talking for a few minutes Annette and I decided to find a table to sit at while we waited as the bar area was getting packed. While we sat we scanned the room for the men we were about to meet. At that point I was ready to go home! Seriously, there was a guy that looked just like my friends father and to make it worse, he had the same name! We laughed about it and decided if it was that bad we'd leave at the break. Just as we said that I noticed a young, dark haired attractive man. He walked over and we talked with him for a few minutes. Then we started noticing people walking around with two drinks in their hands...it was getting close to time to start so they were preparing. So Annette and I walked up to get another drink and then we found our first table.

Would you believe my first table was with my friend's father look alike?! What are the odds?? He was very nice and easy to talk to, but I couldn't get past the age difference or the dark nose hair moving each time he laughed. YUK! *Sick* Needless to say he received a NO on my sheet.

Oh, they give you a sheet numbered from 1 to 50 and next to each number is a YES or NO and a line. You are supposed to write their name on the line, circle YES or NO and on the 2nd copy, which is the copy you keep, you can write notes to help you remember the person.

Each "date" lasts only 3 minutes...they sound a horn to let you know it is time to move on. I ended up following after a girl that remained two fisted with drinks the entire night and was gradually getting slower and slower at moving from table to table. I wouldn't have normally minded, but they don't wait for each person to be seated to start the timer, so I had my time cut short with some people...which in some cases I was grateful for!

All in all I truly had a great time and I found it very interesting learning about the different jobs people had. I met one guy that I have no romantic interest in, but he had an awesome personality and would be fun to be around. I found out he teaches Salsa dancing and that he goes Salsa dancing every Wednesday for the fun of it. So I gave him a yes, just to be able to get in touch with him.

I believe there were 22 dates I had and out of those there were 2 or 3 I would consider dating. One of course was the initial guy I talked to before the dates began. He is a chemist, which I must admit I've never met anyone with that title before. He seems like a very nice guy, possibly a little reserved, but I figure if he was willing to do this on his own he would be easy enough to pull out of his shell! At the end of the night he walked buy and asked if I gave him a YES. I smiled and told him it depended on if he gave me a YES, which he instantly pulled out his sheet and said, "I think I did...oh yes, I did give you a YES." YIPPEE!! There was another guy that I met that is currently a CPA, but he is working on getting out of the Corporate World and do something on his own, but he wouldn't discuss that. Hmmm, secrets?! *Wink*

But I have saved the best for last. I went to table number 1 and there was a guy in a wheel chair sitting there. He had shoulder length blonde hair that was clean, but a little messy. He had on a t-shirt and gym shorts. Mind you, this is at a martini bar in a ritzy area. Before I sit down he says, "Oh my gosh...you look just like Sheryl Crow." I held back my laughter and thanked him. Obviously he left his glasses at home! *Laugh* As we talked I found out he is an athlete for the Special Olympics and that until recently he had been homeless for 2 1/2 years. Then he got on this urge to take me out to eat. He kept talking about food and where he'd like to take me and the foods I should try. I am guessing I looked hungry at that point?! *Smile*

I am glad I experienced it and with any luck will have a date in the near future!!

© Copyright 2006 Ho Tep (UN: yellow1671 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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