Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/428856-
Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1111428
Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane.
#428856 added May 27, 2006 at 3:49pm
Restrictions: None
H U R R I C A N E G R E G O R Y– Part 17
“Hey, it’ll be alright! Just stay here with them! I’ll be back tomorrow, okay?” Wes assured him.

Jamie and Wesley embraced one another for a moment. When they pulled away, Wesley noticed that Jamie wiped a tear from his face.

“Thanks, Wes…”

“You’ll do fine, Jamie. Just do your best. “I’ll be back tomorrow to see how you’re doing, okay?”

Jamie just nodded, when Wesley turned around and flew away. He was gone in a flash. Jamie sighed deeply, before he walked to the edge of the roof. He then leapt to the ground below and returned to the hotel room. He entered the room and crawled quietly in bed so as not to awaken Gregory.

Gregory woke up very early that morning. He and Jamie strolled around the area where the hotel was located. They expected to load up and leave at any time.

As they strolled down one of the streets, they came across a high school. The gate to the schoolyard was open, so the boys entered through it, and wandered around the school grounds. The large athletic field caught their eye, so the walked around the softball field, which bordered on the football-field, with only a chain link fence dividing the two fields.

“Gosh, I wish I would’ve brought my football with me…” Greg said, while feeling a little annoyed by his own forgetfulness. “I left it in the room…”

“I’ll go get it for you, if you want…” Jamie offered him cheerfully.

Greg turned to face his buddy, realizing that Jamie could retrieve the ball in no time.

“Sure, go ahead and get the…” Greg began to say, until he noticed that Jamie had disappeared into thin air.

Greg turned to face the goal post at the end of the football field, when he suddenly heard a “swoosh” sound, followed by a gust of wind.

Jamie had materialized right besides Greg, after he returned from the hotel room. He had raced to the hotel to get the ball at super speed!

“Here you go…” Jamie grinned, as he handed him the old, worn, leather football.

“Thanks, Supy…” Greg laughed, as he walked to the five-yard line, before turning to face Jamie, still standing in the end zone.

Without a word, he tossed the ball to Jamie, who caught it by holding both hands right before his body, with the knees just slightly bent. Jamie then straightened out and raised his arm behind his head, so he could toss the ball back to his best friend.

“Hey! Try throwing a touchdown pass to the other end zone!” Greg challenged his buddy.

“Oh… sure…” Jamie said, as he started to run towards the other end zone. He wasn’t moving at super speed, so Greg could see what he was doing.

“No, no, no!” Greg shouted to him. “Throw the ball from the end zone! Don’t run it!”

Jamie stopped and looked at him in shock, while holding the football with both hands, before his chest.

“You mean… You want me to throw the ball from this end zone to the other one?”

“Yeah! That’s one-hundred yards! C’mon; you can throw that far! Shoot, you could have the ball into low Earth orbit if you wanted to!”

“Well, I can try….” Jamie said, as he held the ball in his right hand, with his fingers resting on the laces.

Jamie extended his arm fully, pulling it behind his shoulders as far as possible. He judged the distance to the end zone, estimating how much force was needed in order to hurl the ball to the end zone on the opposite side of the field. He then flung the ball into the air!

Greg just stood there, staring at the sky as he followed the spinning football with his eyes. When he turned to look at Jamie, he noticed that the boy had disappeared again.

“Hey! Where did he go?” Greg wondered.

Suddenly, a figure appeared standing in the other end zone, with both arms extended before him. The figure caught the football, completing a perfect, one-hundred-yard pass! Jamie then ran back to the other end zone to rejoin Greg.

“I caught my own touchdown pass! Yay!” Jamie cheered, as soon as he arrived back at the spot where Greg was standing.

“Only you, Jamie…” Greg laughed, while he rolled his eyes. “Only you…”

Greg and Jamie tossed the football back and forth. But the good weather didn’t last long, since grey clouds were slowly beginning to cover the sky. The winds picked up, and the temperature dropped a bit.

“Oh man… I guess we’re in for some rain…” Greg complained, when he felt the first raindrops on his forehead.

“Here, Greggy! Hold my hand!” Jamie ordered. “I’ll fly us back to the hotel, before we both get soaked by the rain!”

Jamie held on to Greg’s hand, allowing his power to flow through the boy, so that they could run home at super speed! Within seconds, both boys arrived at the door of the room, just as torrential down pour began. There was an overhead awning protecting the entrance to their room keeping the two boys dry.

“Just in time, Supy!” Greg laughed, as he gazed out at the hotel parking. “Boy, it’s coming down hard and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop any time soon…”

“Well, we can stay inside and just play video games…” Jamie shrugged. This was definitely weather to stay indoors in. “It’s no fun to go swimming in the pouring rain!”

“I guess not…” Greg said, as he unlocked the door with the small, plastic key card. The card slid into a narrow slot, unlocking the hotel room door.

The boys entered the room and turned on the TV. They enjoyed a few minutes of playing video games, until they heard a knock on the door.

Greg got up and answered the door. It was his father, Herb. He stood at the door alongside a deputy sheriff.

“Well howdy, boys, the Deputy said to them. He was a tall, muscular man, with a light brown uniform shirt and slacks. He had a star embroidered on his shirt, with the small, red letters spelling the words ‘Escambia County Sherriff’s Department’ above the right hand breast pocket of his uniform shirt.

To be continued

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