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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/403211-Ladies-Night-vs-Ladies-Night
by Ho Tep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #900612
The ups and downs of being single in your 30's...early 30's that is.
#403211 added January 30, 2006 at 8:34am
Restrictions: None
"Ladies Night" vs. "Ladies" Night
Friday night Mark and I got home from work, did our work outs; seperately, showered, ate and decided to have a drink. After pouring our second drink the question came up if we would be staying home or venturing out somewhere. Personally, I was fine with staying home, but also didn't mind going out, I just didn't want to decide where to go.

Mark started doing a search on the internet and looking through the Real Detroit...local paper that lists all the nightclubs. Time was ticking by and the later it got the more limited our options started being. We didn't want to drive to far away, because by time we got ready and got there we'd dance one song and have to leave.

To my surprise, he actually suggested going to the gay club nearby. We had gone to it when it first opened not knowing it was a gay club. He said at least we would know the music was good and they were advertising "Ladies Night." He figured this would bring a mix crowd.

Not wanting to think about where to go any longer, and partly curious how he may react in there, I agreed to go. I finished getting ready and waited for Mark...he was taking longer than normal. Hmmmm, imagine that! *Smile*

We get there, $10 cover..YIKES! At that point it was 11:50 p.m. so we really had no other option than to head back home. At the counter where you pay to get in is a very large bowl filled with condoms. Had never seen that before, but it gave me a small clue what we were about to walk into.

As we walk in and head towards the bar I looked around to get a feel for the crowd. As I had suspected...it wasn't the typical ladies night that you find at other clubs...where ladies get in free, but it brings more men thinking there would be more ladies. NOPE...we were at a gay club on "LADIES" night. 95% of the people inside this building were female. *Bigsmile*

I could sense Mark being somewhat uncomfortable. Me...didn't really phase me much. Yes, I would prefer more men to look at; however, in this club it wouldn't matter. *Smile*

We ended up having a couple drinks and standing to the side of the dance floor, which was packed the whole night. As you see in the movies, a couple of the men had their shirts of dancing around. I noticed that the women were very into pda to the point that it wasn't just a little kiss, they were full out making out rubbing on one another's chest and more. I actually went to the bathroom, which had very dim lighting, and heard two women in one stall helping one another reach orgasm. Can't say I've ever experienced that with same sex or opposite sex...heard about, but thought it was one of those urban legands!! *Smile*

At one point a man came up to Mark, introduced himself, shook his hand, said something close to his ear and left. Mark says he asked if Mark was gay, which Mark replied NO and supposedly the guy said "I didn't think so" and walked away. I swear I heard him ask Mark to dance, but who knows.

There was an older woman that walked up to both of us and began talking about how she only comes out once a year, blah, blah, blah. She walked away and later came back. She looked at me and said, "you are not gay are you?!" I told her I wasn't and she said I knew it, but you laugh at my jokes so I like ya. She said she could tell Mark was gay. Mark didn't hear that comment! *Smile* Later Mark tried telling me she was hitting on me, but I told him he was full of it. He was upset I wasn't being hit on all night...he said it was because he was by me. I told him that people can sense if you are gay and they would know I wasn't so why would they waste there time. He didn't believe me though. All in all it was an interesting experience!!

© Copyright 2006 Ho Tep (UN: yellow1671 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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