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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/398177-Happy-New-Year-Updates-and-Information
Rated: ASR · Book · Writing.Com · #206127
Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com!
#398177 added January 9, 2006 at 11:22pm
Restrictions: None
Happy New Year, Updates and Information!
Happy New Year, Members!

We hope this email finds you enjoying a healthy New Year and we wish you great
success and happiness throughout 2006!

:: Important: "Preferences" Change ::
In the near future, Writing.Com member portfolios will begin to display the account's
membership type and expiration date of its current Paid Membership. Presently,
paid membership expiration dates are only displayed on our Angel Listing pages of
expiring memberships. Members have opt'd out of this listing with the "Upgrade
Expiration List Inclusion" setting in their account.

To accomodate the expansion of Paid Membership information we have changed
"Upgrade Expiration List Inclusion" to "Paid Membership Information Privacy"
within your My Account -> Change Preferences page.

To keep your Paid Membership expiration private, visit your My Account page then
click "Change Preferences". Set the "Paid Membership Information Privacy" setting
to Private and click "Submit Changes" towards the bottom of the page. You can go
directly to your Change Preference page by visiting the following link:

:: Season Tickets Results Posted! ::
Winners have been drawn for "Season Tickets and the results have been posted!
Congratulations to all of the winners!

A very special thank you goes to everyone who donated prizes! This season's
tickets were packed full of great things to win! Likewise, thank you to everyone
who participated and purchased tickets in this huge fundraising event.

Thanks to everyone's help, "Season Tickets raised a grand total of:
         9,077,091 Gift Points for "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group!

Without everyone's support, we would not have reached this amazing new record
amount! This bankroll of GPs allows the group to gift over 60 two month Upgrades
to deserving members of the Writing.Com community.

:: Congratulations "Resolutions 2006" Winners! ::
Congratulations to all winners of "Resolutions 2006 - That's everyone who took
the time to enter this contest! Your feedback was overwhelming and showed us this
contest was a huge motivator and great success. We are glad so many members
appreciated the push to write down a few simple resolutions. We hope you'll adhere
to your promises and keep working toward those resolutions throughout the year.

*Star* The three (3) members who won 100,000 Gift Points are as follows:
         Crys-not really here

More details about the process used for choosing the contest's winners can be
found within "Resolutions 2006.

:: Scrolling Messages Game Updates ::
Scrolling message games have been upgraded in a few areas! We hope the
following additions add to the fun of the Scrolling Game System:

*Bullet* 2nd and 3rd place winners now receive 25 and 10 Gift Points (respectively)
per game, regardless of the total prize pool.

*Bullet* The View Results window now includes all three (3) of the game's winners.

*Bullet* Once a game has been won by 3 people, everyone else can still continue to
play! A small note shows the game has been won by 3 people and allows players
to view the results, or simply keep playing.

*Bullet* The ScoreBoard has been updated to include standings displays for both
"This Year" and "Last Year".

:: Triple Daily Rewards / Double From The Review Mixer ::
Keep reviewing in January and earn yourself Triple Gift Points! From now through
January 31st 2006, earn triple Gift Points from "Daily Review Rewards and
double from "The Review Mixer. Don't miss this great opportunity to help your
fellow members, your own writing skills and your Gift Point balance!

Thank you for your continued support of Writing.Com!
  ~~ The StoryMistress and
         The StoryMaster

© Copyright 2006 Writing.Com Support (UN: support at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com Support has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/398177-Happy-New-Year-Updates-and-Information