Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/376798-Great-First-Round---Dear-You-Contest
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#376798 added October 2, 2005 at 11:51am
Restrictions: None
Great First Round - Dear You Contest
Wow!!! It's nearly midnight here but I'm pumped. Dear You has been a great success. There were 25 acceptable entries to the first round and I'm looking forward to the judging. It's going to be tough, there were so many great entries. I've already posted Round Two up so that people can get started on the next letter.

With my current focus on exercise and eating right I felt this new letter would be a great one to feature. I'm sure many people struggle with weight control and exercise isn't very popular. I won't get into it all now because I need to save some content for my own response letter. *Smile*

As for the whole Weight Watchers thing, I'm still going strong. Day 4, week 2: We did measurements today. It'll be interesting to know how our bodies change shape given time. I've learned that my calf is bigger than my neck. I'd like to believe it's because of muscle. *Wink*

I managed over 10,000 steps again today. My mother invited me around for dinner. Rob had called her to tell her he'd cook a roast for dinner tonight. She was working but she called me to invite me and the kids. She picked us up on her way home from work around 5:30PM. Of course when she got home Rob wasn't there. He'd called Amanda (my sister) to get her to put the roast in at 4PM but the vege's weren't started or anything.

By the time it was ready to eat it had gone the kids bed times. Josh was tuckered but he still managed to do his dinner justice and so surprisingly did Kaylie. *Smile* They are getting pretty good an finishing a meal these days. I think it helps to have Josh so eager to eat his plateful because it encourages Kaylie to do so. I know it's not great to compare your kids to each other but it definately helps get her to eat her food if she see's Josh eating his.

Anyway, before dinner, since we had a good hour or so to kill, we went for a walk. My mothers house recently had a gate put into the new fence. (I might have mentioned a while back about her fence blowing down in a storm. She had the gate installed when they replaced it.) The gate leads out onto a parklandish type area. There is a bike ramp and some paths. Apparently the area is actually a road safety and awareness course for kids. It makes a great exercise route as the paths are windy, keeping them interesting, and on the opposite side is a small childrens playground.

We did a couple of laps and played in the playground a little. It certainly helped me get my points up after having spent another day at the keyboard. Hopefully we'll be able to make this sort of activity a regular event. Perhaps for a Thursday afternoon as that is when we normally have time together.

Still, I did have another couple of thousand left to get tonight but I managed it by taking some extra steps while finishing up my Scarlett list. (That's my list of five household chores that I must get done in a day. It changes each day although dishes and laundry make frequent appearances.) It feels great to have done something productive.

I think a big part about making this work is the energy you get from doing it. You'd be surprising how hyped I am after being active today. Scarlett and Mel have both mentioned how tired they feel just reading my entries lately but to tell the truth I feel great. Even nearing midnight now most of my body is enlivened. My eyes are drooping however and for health and fitness I should have been in bed a few hours ago.

And on that note I better head that way now. G'night every and I hope you're having a fantastic day. Put on some of your favorite music and dance away while you hang out or fold the laundry, wash the dishes, etc. or just walk on the spot while watching TV. You'll be amazed at how great you feel after doing such simple activities. It barely even feels like exercise.

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