Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/376221-Love-Languages
by Aradne
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1010479
Not interesting at all. Just like me.
#376221 added September 29, 2005 at 5:59pm
Restrictions: None
Love Languages
Short story, then my point, I promise.

This summer, my friend Jared and his girlfriend Jen began a bet. They are a very touchy-feely couple. The bet was to see who would touch the other first.

Well, they were doing well after 24 hours. They hadn't touched each other at all.

Lank and I, as well as his girlfriend Melanie, began to place bets to see who would touch the other one first.

I said that I thought that Jared would lose, just because he'd unthinkingly reach over to show her affection.

Melanie disagreed. She said that Jen's love language was touch, and that she would begin to feel the distance very soon.

That got me to thinking.... (I do that sometimes). My language of love is words of affirmation and time together.

If you tell me that you enjoy our time together, you're appealing to both of my languages.

So go ahead. Tell me. *Pthb*

Anyway, what do you see your love language as?

you know... that girl... what was her name?

Sometimes it's
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