Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/375217-Zero-energy---When-a-low-is-really-a-low
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#375217 added September 25, 2005 at 9:32am
Restrictions: None
Zero energy - When a low is really a low
Today is a bad day. Not so bad as it could have been for Mel and Tor thankfully and I'm glad to hear they've come through the worst of it safely. But in my own less interesting closely focused world, today has been a bad one.

Today is what I considered a low. Not as low as I can get but low enough to make me wonder what the alternating high was. My lows often consist of total lathargy (falling asleep while I'm in the middle of doing something sort of thing) and just the lack of energy to get motivated to do anything. On my worst days I'd barely make it out of bed although being a mother I often have for force myself anyway.

If I could have slept the day away today I would have. I can't even really fathom a reason for such a low day. I haven't recently had any substantial high days and this has been a slow decline when usually my swings are much faster.

Those of you who read my entry yesterday might remember that I mentioned a lack of attention span? Well that's connected to the low and because I'm in the low point (the lowest point I hope) I can see that. Yesterday, I was on the way down but didn't even realise. Too busy paying attention to where my feet were stepping because tumbling head over heels down a hill isn't a good idea. lol

Anyway, I hope tomorrow brings a better mood. Kaylie still wants to go swimming and we've had nice weather this weekend. If it holds up I'll probably take her and Josh to the local pool tomorrow. I need to get up there that way anyway to get milk and stop it to collect a package that is waiting at the post office. I might even hire a few DVD's to while away some more school holiday hours.

Kaylie's watched Harry Potter, all three of them, this weekend. Not to mention the way her and Josh's toys are scattered from living room through both their bedrooms. I just haven't been with it enough to keep up with them so the toys haven't been making it back to the toyboxes.

Kaylie had her first toothfairy visit last night. *Smile* She cut her first teeth at two months old so it's not so surprising that she's got adult teeth coming in already. The poor toothfairy noticed the costs of inflation. I got 20c per tooth when I was a kid and these days (I checked online) the going rate seems to be $1 or $2. The toothfairy left her $1 and she tucked it safely into her money box. *Smile* She wasn't as excitable about the whole thing as I expected. It's sad but I've noticed with her school friends that kids aren't as in awe about stuff as we were when I was a kid. In those days losing a tooth was a big deal. Then again, 20c would have bought a hole big bag of lollies where as a dollar would get you a milky way but not much else. Deli's don't do bagged lollies like they did when I was a kid. Why not? I thought those bags were great. lol

Anyway, time to get myself to bed. Not that I plan to sleep just yet. I've got more of my book to get through. Finally got back to reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time. Nearly finished book 8 now so only two more to go after this. Still, almost a full book without mention of Matt and last we knew of him he'd had a building fall on him. He's a prime character so a building falling on him didn't mean he was dead. Ta'veren don't die that easy.

If you haven't read the series, I recommend it. The writing is absorbing and while the array of characters can be a little overwhelming the primary characters are well developed and the plot is solid and well weaved. *Smile*

G'night and I hope the power out Mel and Tor's way is restored shortly. Poor Mel, must be going out of her mind trying to keep Tor entertained and her own hands from straying to his neck. I should have remembered to remind her that there are often a wave of babies nine months after a blackout. That's the best way to keep yourselves entertained when there is no power. *Wink*

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