Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/374763-A-long-scary-kind-of-day
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#374763 added September 23, 2005 at 8:49am
Restrictions: None
A long scary kind of day
My thoughts are with Mel and Tor at the moment. And with anyone else out there on the coast of Texas etc. facing up to Rita or getting out of her path. Even just the risk must be a life changing event. It must make you really look at everything you've done and are doing with your life. How many hours you've worked in your lifetime for this house which could be torn away in moments. For your car which could be seriously damaged by hail and wind if it makes it through the storm. How you're life is going to change, at least in the months to come because of water, and wind.

I'm scared for everyone who's home is in Galveston and surrounding. I hope everyone stays safe, and that Rita proves to be less than she seems. Being in Australia I'm far removed from things for the most part. We get a news update every few hours but I rarely have my TV turned on. So far today it's been the same, pictures of cars piling on the interstate and barely moving. Tanker trucks trickling along, topping up the cars that run out of petrol from idling engines, and empty streets in what is normally a bustling town.

I don't know how long is left until the bulk of things gets started, climaxes, and ends. I expect it will be while I'm sleeping, either tonight or tomorrow. I can only hope that by the time it does everyone in transit is holed up somewhere and that it is all over quickly.

Dan talked today about the human spirit and how he knows that even after the storm has passed, people will go back to their homes, and start again. Anything that was destroyed can be rebuilt. The water will receed. It makes me think of the great presidential quote given just before the comet is due to hit in the movie Deep Impact. About how preserving life is the most important thing because everything else mankind has accomplished can be recreated.

I'm thinking of everyone around the world facing their own difficulties. From things like war, drought, poverty, and storms, to the smaller things like holes in your socks and having to make a meal from a tin of tuna and a cup of rice. My wish tonight is that everyone can face their problems and stand strong and tall and proud to be a human being. This is another hill in life and tomorrow is another day. Be thankful for all the things that are truly important, loved ones, and life. The rest will come. What mankind has made can be remade.

All the best everyone, and stay safe.

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