Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/373907-Yawns-Darn-Mothers-but-I-love-mine
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#373907 added September 19, 2005 at 9:50am
Restrictions: None
*Yawns* Darn Mothers, but I love mine.
Ok, it's officially getting late. I've watched a little TV tonight and it would be about now that I'd shower and head to bed. But of course I haven't got my journal entry in yet. And it's all my mother's fault.

She's recently changed her internet connection and at the moment it's not working until they get the new connection up and running for her. So today, she dropped in at about 7PM to use my computer. Of course, she hung around after checking eBay and her eMail.

She normally played a game called Sudoku, but I didn't reinstall it after my last reformat. So instead I introduced her to PartyPoker. I think I got her addicted, lol. It's only due to the reason that I turned my television off that got her to close out and head home.

Thankfully, that gives me time to get a quick entry in. Unfortunately for all of you, it leaves me too brain dead to have anything of interest to say. I'm super tired today because I spent pretty much the whole day walking.

Josh had an audiology appointment at the hospital this morning. After I walked the 20 mins to drop Kaylie off at school, I walked another hour to the hospital. The walk didn't take as long as I expected and it meant I was an hour early. I took advantage of the time to stop in at the hospital cafe for breakfast. Ham and Salad Pita Roll. mmmmm

Side tracked... Josh can apparently hear normally. His hearing is sharper in one ear than the other but both within normal levels (as best they can tell with an 18 month old). He does however have flat eardrums which indicates fluid in the middle ear. We've been referred to a GP who will hopefully be able to give us something to dry it out.

After the appointment I then had to walk the hour and a half home again (thankfully the school was 20 minutes in the right direction). I detoured past the shops on the way and wandered around there. Took the scenic route home and eventually got home at about 1PM.

Of course, that meant I had only just sat down when it was time to go out again for the 20 minutes to Kaylie's school to pick her up, then the 20 minutes home again. I have to say, I'm totally bushed. Not to mention having to get some housework done, dishes, dinner, baths, kids to bed, before I can relax.

Now I'm looking forward to a long, hot, shower and resting my head against my big, soft, pillow in my big, soft, bed under my big, soft, warm, blankets. G'night everyone and have a great day. *Smile*

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