Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/373025-Busy-busy-busy-and-teeth
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#373025 added September 15, 2005 at 9:38am
Restrictions: None
Busy, busy, busy and teeth
Ok, so the title is a little bit strange. *Wink* But since that's exactly what I am it's probably rather suitable. Today was another full on day. I spent the morning working (nope, sorry, not the novel *Wink* ) and had a dentist appointment at 1:30PM.

I finally reached the top of the 10 month waiting list and today was my first appointment. *Smile* Woo Hoo! What's even better was it meant that nothing interesting would happen today. They say open wide, count teeth, say stuff like 'suitable', 'caries', 'absent', etc. They took two X-rays, one side and the other. Then charge me and book my next appointment. *Smile*

This is actually good even if it does sound bad. It means that they've evaluated any work that needs to be done and it'll be done over the next couple of months along with a full clean and polish. The other good news was that my oral health wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was. *Smile*

Still, now I've got a good female dentist giving me the incentive (evil glares and guilt trips work wonders) to get into a real brushing and flossing habit. I've been a sporadic brusher all my life. But I also know it's important to develop good habits for the whole family so that my kids will always brush and we won't have repeats of Kaylie's Early Childhood Caries.

Of course, after the dentist (my mother had driven me there and stayed with Josh for me, I don't have a car) we picked up Kaylie from school then spent a few hours at my mothers house. She was introducing me to Weight Watches and I've decided to go with her next week to join up myself. *Smile* So, here's to losing weight, dental hygiene and getting healthy. *Smile*

I hope everyone else has enjoyed a productive day, and if not then I hope you were relaxing and taking it easy. *Smile* Don't forget to check out my contest *Down* Scroll down a little for the link. Oh, and another of my poems won a contest. Yay! G'night, bedtime for me very shortly and for now I'm logging off. Have a great day everyone.

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