Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/372805-1-star-and-life-in-general
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#372805 added September 14, 2005 at 7:42am
Restrictions: None
1 star and life in general
Today was both eventful and uneventful. lol It's funny how some days can be like that. Today involved Kaylie's school excusion to AQWA (Aquariam of Western Australia). I had planned to go too but unfortunately family couldn't share the bus as there were no seats available and I don't have a car. If it were just me I could have gotten a ride from someone but having Joshua with me means we have problems with car seats etc. And since the trip is a long one I wouldn't risk having him in a car that isn't properly fitted for my child seat.

But that's really beside the point. It was disappointing not to be able to go but I'm glad Kaylie was able to enjoy herself. I've just realised what a contradiction of terms I just made. lol No, not the Kaylie enjoying herself part, the part where I said I wouldn't risk a long trip in a car that isn't properly fitted with a child seat but I was going to take him on the bus which has no restraints at all. lol

Rambling... I suppose planning to spend the day out and then not doing so is what made today seem so uneventful. I actually accomplished a fair bit, laundry, housework, programming, and even a little gaming (Ceasar 3). Josh went down for his nap same as normal and those few hours were lovely and peaceful.

This morning, before school, I set up the contest I mentioned in my earlier entry. Every few hours during the day I checked back to the site to see if anyone had sent me an email or left a message on the forum but as of right now I've had no feedback except the anonymous 1 star rating that blemishes the top of my rather pretty contest forum.

It's sad to think that someone goes around giving poor ratings at random. It also hits my insecurities enough to make me wonder what I did wrong with the contest. Especially since there hasn't been any response to it yet. Is it really that bad? Was it truly a bad idea? Does anyone think like me in considering writing advice columns an interesting career move as a writer?

I still haven't worked on my novel. Today I spent time programming Ipseitys which is coming along nicely. I'm looking forward to getting this gaming site up and running. I haven't done any role-playing in nearly two years now and I really miss it. I gave up my former site Outlanda Games (http://www.outlanda.com) in December 2003 when I was pregnant with Josh. I just didn't have the time to keep it up when I was coming back and fourth from kindergarten as well as dealing with pregnancy and the coming newborn.

Outlanda continued in the capable hands of my 2IC for the next year and a half but slowly, over the months, it's dwindled into inactivity. I've asked Mino if she'd consider giving the site back to me, if she's not interested in running it. But for the moment she's still holding on. I know how hard it is to let go and I'm actually excited about starting Ipseitys so even if she gave me back Outlanda Games today I'd take down Outlanda and put up Ipseitys instead. (Using the web hosting account that Outlanda currently uses rather than creating a new account (costs about $500/year).)

It's great to be programming again too. That's another thing I've been neglecting for a long time but it's wonderful getting back into it. I'm even tempted to get back to studying but for the moment that's on the back burner because I'd rather get the bones of the site up and running. I plan to learn Java and C++ because those two languages will help me develop the MUD that will be a part of Ipseitys.

Ok, how many of you did I just lose with all that jargon? lol Back to normal talking now. *Smile* Forever mentioned that while I might be too young to be considered BANG it doesn't mean I couldn't submit something from the perspective of a Pre-BANG. At 23 I'm probably Pre-Pre-BANG lol *Smile* Just to make you all feel old, you BANGer's are my mothers age. lmfao *Wink* Still, at 50, she is by no means old and she works as hard as a woman 20 years younger.

*sighs* Well, it's time to get back to the grind. My Wednesday night TV program (House) is due to start shortly and I've still got a lot more work on Ipseitys to get done. As for The Dating Game, um, I'm still ruminating. *Pthb*

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