Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/372469-Back-into-the-swing-of-blogging
by Aradne
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1010479
Not interesting at all. Just like me.
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#372469 added September 12, 2005 at 7:49pm
Restrictions: None
Back into the swing of blogging
Here is my bloggy.

(I guess that here, it's technically just a journal...*Blush*)

Summer... Summer....

I spent my summer with an awesome group of kids ages 13-17. Um, most of what went on was incredable and fun, but like most of my life, you really had to be there to appreciate it.

Things I learned this summer:

1. Curious George can materialize anywhere he wants to.
2. Any guy, if he tries hard enough, can get a cute girl's phone number.
3. Crickets are edible
4. Anything can be forgiven between boyfriend and girlfriend.
5. Everyone is lovable if you spend enough time with them.
6. Don't try to sleep underneath of someone who drools.
7. Guys can never remember how badly they hurt you.
8. Girls expand how much the guy hurt them as time goes on.
9. In an emotional argument, nobody is right.
10. Maturity is all a matter of circumstance.
11. Halo is as Halo players do.
12. Between the ages of 13-17, the opposite gender is everything.
13. Buried treasure is EVERYWHERE.....
14. Clothes never sell at a garage sale.
15. Never shake your fist at someone while in the ghetto.
16. You learn a lot from teens.

I can't think of anything else even remotely funny...

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