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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#363904 added August 4, 2005 at 7:29pm
Restrictions: None
End of Season, at least for TV in Australia
Just when I'm starting to feel my TV viewing is getting regular with various shows I watch each week they decide it's time to rotate the seasons. We get two, or perhaps three, TV seasons a year. Thankfully the end of seasons is staggered a little, one of my favorite programs will end their season this week (on a cliff hanger, of course) and I'm very sad to see it go.

It's actually toward the end of the season change and for the most part I've been pleased because the new shows coming into season are worth watching. Programs like, The 4400, Haunted, Taken, House etc. are new television series that are on my weekly watching list. Last night was the final of Stargate: Atlantis and I'm going to miss it. It was on late Thursday's which meant I would always get a late night that night because I always stayed up to watch it.

I don't know what Stargate is being replaced by. The Amazing Race finished last night (and WTG the winners, I so wanted you two to win. *Smile* ) Next week is the beginning of the season for Alias and I'll probably watch the premier to decide if it'll make my regular list. Alias runs long (because it's a premier) so whatever is replacing Stargate isn't listed. I'll have to wait till next week to find out. If I'm really lucky it will be more Stargate.

I understand Charmed is due back soon. I was annoyed a couple of months ago because the season had just started when it was abducted by Big Brother. I suspect it will get the same time slot back now BB is coming to an end. Only a couple of weeks left, if that. I don't watch BB (unless it happens to be on the TV while I'm waiting for one of the TV programs I do watch to come on).

Next Monday is the premier for a new medical drama. House is great although it makes me very worried about the medical profession, I mean the formula for the show seems to require that the doctors nearly kill their patient at least twice by taking a risk on diagnoses and treatment. They are rarely certain and a great deal of the patients survival comes down to luck and only a little to skill. It is however the main doctor, Dr. House, who makes the show interesting. He's an incredible character, kudos to the writer who came up with him, you can't help loving him because under all the facade of being a jerk, he's really is a caring human being who is brilliant.

Anyway, I'm getting off track, House started a few weeks ago and obviously I'm enjoying it. The new medical show is called Grey's Anatomy and the main doctor is a real cutie. Probably a little old for me (aren't the good ones always too old for me?) but his eyes... *drools* I swear I'm not watching it just for this guy, it really does look interesting. *Wink* On Monday I'll know if the show is as worth watching as its star. Maybe it will give me something worth watching on a Monday, Monday (and the weekend) are the only days on my calender that don't have a must watch TV program.

Goodness, I can ramble. I came on wondering what to talk about and still feeling sad about the ending of Stargate. Managed to go on and on (and on and on) about television which you probably all think I'm stuck in front of all day. The truth is that the kids watch cartoons while I'm on the computer (typing my journal) in the morning before school. It stays off all day, goes on for two kids shows in the afternoon after school, sometimes videos after that (kids stuff like whinnie the pooh or geokids) and then doesn't come on again until the kids are in bed (after 7:30PM and sometimes later than that). Usually there are between one and three shows I watch each day.

What sort of TV shows do you watch? Do you consider the writing involved, think over the story, find yourself predicting the outcome or events or saying a persons line just before they say it because you know that's basically all the writer could have written at that moment? Do you have any must watch TV programs each week? lol honestly, you could write a whole journal entry about it all. *Wink*

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