Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/361054-Chapter-4-Nice-Lessons
by Amanda
Rated: E · Book · Teen · #989694
With a name like Porsha Star Taylor,I thought i had to be an actress, until I met Calvin
#361054 added December 20, 2005 at 12:29am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 4: Nice Lessons
By the time Friday night rolled around, Bridget could tell somthing was wrong with me. I offered to help her around the house more, I cleaned up my room and made my bed myself every morning now. It wasn't a big accomplishment, but it was baby steps on the way to a complete change.
She was in the kitchen washing dishes so I walked up next to her and offered to help dry.
"Oh now Miss Porsha, you really don't need to help me,"
"I know. But I want to!" I said smiling, and I yanked a wet gold-trimmed plate from her and began to wipe it down with a dish towel.
She groaned, but still smiled at me.
"Now, Miss Porsha, you know that I have always enjoyed being your maid. Most of my maid of maid friends always tell me how much they loath working for their employers, and I just tell them flat out 'Not me. The Taylors are the best employers anyone could ask for-"
Bridhet always had tendancy to go off on other tangents when you got her talking.
"Bridget, what are you trying to say?" I asked her.
"Right, Miss Porsha, I'm sorry. Anyway, I was just going to say that since school started, that you have really become very mature."
I smiled widely. It was finally good to have some positive feedback on my efforts to become genuine.
I decided that I could confide my plan with Bridget. I'd told her my secrets since she started working for us, and right now I had to tell someone, or I was going to burst!
"Thanks Bridget, that means alot!"
I bit my lip at I dried another plate.
"Bridge? Can I tell you a secret?"
She gave a squeal of excitement.
I took that as a 'yes', so I went on.
"Well, here it is: I'm changing."
She gave a quizzical look so I clarified.
"I'm not going to be a shallow, stuck-up, manipulative, starlet anymore. I'm going to be genuine, and honest, and...hardworking!"
Even after my explination, Bridget still looked quite confused, or it might have been shock.
"Well, Miss Porsha, I think that's an admirable goal. I think that your photography class has been good for you,” She continued, suddenly giving a knowing grin.
I knew that grin all too well.
“Wait, how do you know about how hard my photography class is?” I asked her.
She gave a small laugh before going on, “Well, during the summer, your principal called and told me that you needed a fine arts class for this year. She listed off various choices and told me which teachers were the easiest. When she told me that the Advanced Photography teacher was the hardest, I told her to sign you up for that one! I figured a hard teacher would do you some good!”
Initially, I was angry at Bridget. I mean, if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have suddenly developed a conscious and feel bad for how I’ve treated people! But, was that a bad thing? A smile broke out on my face. I still needed to work on this whole ‘changing’ thing.
“Bridge?” I asked her as I put down a plate,”Didn’t Ms. McKee ask for ‘Mrs. Taylor’ when she called?”
There was a mischievous twinkle in her eye when she replied, “Now you know my hearing isn’t what it used to be, Miss Porsha!”
We both laughed and I gave her a hug.
“Thank you, Bridget,”
“You are very welcome, Miss Porsha”
The ringing phone jolted Bridget out of our embrace. I quickly stopped her.
“I’ll get it! Oh and Bridge? It’s just Porsha now, ok?”
She smiled and nodded. I quickly added, “Not around Mom though.”
She chuckled and turned back to the dishes. I picked up the phone and it was Josie and Calvin on the intercom downstairs asking me to unlock the door for them. I began to get even more excited them. I told them goodbye, and pressed number nine on the phone’s keypad.
“They’re here!” I squealed to Bridget before running to the front door.

I glanced at a mirror and ran my fingers through my hair. I hadn’t been this excited in a long time. Josie really was a great friend and I loved finally having someone I could talk to.

As for Calvin, he made it pretty clear how he felt about me. I still don’t know why I felt the need to impress him, though. I’d never felt that before, with anyone! Mostly, I was used to people trying to impress me. He was just so different from most guys that I associated myself with.

I pretty much avoided High School guys all together and mainly hung out with fellow actors. Most of which were older than me. I preferred their maturity level to the Polk High guys’.

But Calvin was different. He was mature, but still my age. I didn’t know those two qualities could ever find themselves in one guy! Except, unlike most guys, he seemed utterly repulsed by me.

It was Josie’s idea to bring him along. She insisted that we would get along under the right circumstances. I was just hoping she was right. I didn’t have a feeling that a movie premiere was Calvin’s cup of tea, but Josie insisted he wouldn’t mind.

The doorbell ring jolted me out of my thoughts and I ran to open the door. Josie smiled ecstatically and gave me a bone-breaking hug. Calvin simply nodded and looked like he’d rather be getting a root canal at that moment than be here. Nevertheless, I smiled and said hello, and invited them both in.

"What took you guys so long? We have to start getting ready!"I told them, leading them into the sitting room.

"Get ready for what?" Calvin asked, confused.

Josie looked at me sheepishly and replied, "Actually, I didn't mention the premiere to him..."

I nodded. He probably wouldn't have come otherwise.

"Well, Calvin, I was invited to the premiere of Orlando Bloom's new movie, and I'm taking you and Josie!" I told him excitedly.

He, however, didn't look quite as thrilled.
"But...wait...what am I going to wear?"

That was definantly the last thing I expected to come out of him mouth.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Georgio owes me a favor anyway," I told him. Mr. Armani's daughter was a big fan of mine.

"Now," I went on, "The movie starts at 7:00, so we have two hours to get ready. Calvin, Georgio sent over a few suits and a tailor so they're waiting in the guest bedroom for you. Josie, he also sent over several dresses and he said we could wear whichever ones we wanted. Then Bridget will do our hair and make-up. We'll meet back here at 6:30." I felt like saying 'ready? break!' but didn't.

Calvin still looked less than ecatatic, but he trudged on to the guest bedroom anyway. Josie and I went on to my room to find something to wear.

As we looked over the tons of gowns Armani sent, I asked Josie, "So, Calvin was reluctant to come?"

She shrugged nonchalantly as she glanced over a blue chiffon number. "Not that reluctant. He seemed kinda excited about turning you human!" She laughed.

That made me feel better. I was starting to feel guilty about dragging him along to my 'Nice Lessons' as Josie and I called them.

"Oh! So he was excited to see...me?" I asked her, trying to sound casual.

She looked up from the blue chiffon and gave a funny look. "Yeah, I guess, what's the big deal?"

"Oh...nothing. Just curious that's all. So...um...has he had a lot of girlfriends?"

She gave a quizzical look again, "Porsha? Do you like him or somthing?"

I turned bright red, I could feel it.

"Erm..well...maybe..I don't know!" I added quickly though, "But, if you like him, I mean, he's yours, totally!" I stammered out.

She gave a laugh and responded with, "Porsha, calm down! We are just friends, I promise you!"

I sighed, and chuckled. Who would have thought she would be telling me to chill?

"If it makes you feel any better, if you do decide that you like him, I think you two would make a great couple!" she added, reassuringly.

"Thanks, but, I'm just now getting to know the guy. Don't book the chapel yet or anything.

We both laughed and decided on our dresses. I chose a knee length satin dress in emerald green. It had a deep V kneckline and was simple, yet elegant. Josie chose a strapless A-line dress in dark blue satin.

Josie sat down at my vanity as Bridget did her hair first. She curled all of it, then pulled part of it back, fastening it with a clip and letting the rest tumble around her shoulders. She did some simple evening make up on her next, not alot, just enouigh to bring out her good features.

I was next. Bridget pulled my long dark brown hair up and back in an array of twists and curls. She left one curl hanging down by my cheek. It was absolutly lovely. She did the traditional 'premiere make-up' but brought out my eyes more to match the dress.

When we were finished, Bridget stood back and admired her work.
"You girls will knock 'em dead tonight!" She said.

We both gave her a hug and we glanced at the clock, which read 6:20.

"Well, Calvin should be ready by now!" I them both, and Josie I went to the living room.

Calvin was sitting on the sofa, but stood up when he saw us.

Georgio Armani was a genius.

He was wearing black pants and shoes. He had an untucked button up white oxford and a black jacket over top. He looked absolutly perfect. I noticed that he was looking at me rather dazed-like too. I suddenly felt my face flush and I found my self short of breath. I'd seen guys look at me before, but not like this. Their looks never did this to me.

Josie coughed nervously and and we both broke our eye contact.

"Well, we'd better get going," I managed to choke out.

He nodded and we walked toward the door.

"Porsha! Is that you?" I heard my mother yell.

She appeared from the sitting room.

"Yes, Mother, we're going to the premiere tonight."

She noticed Josie and Calvin.

"Oh! Who are your little friends?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. She still called my friends 'little'.

"Mother this is Calvin and Josie. Calvin and Josie this is my mother,"

"Charmed, I'm sure." She said looking at them both.

"Well, We have to get going, Mother, Lionel will take us to the premiere,"

She smiled a sugary sweet smile and said,
"Chris and Jenny, you can wait in the car. Porsha will join you shortly,"

They both nodded, looking confused. They turned and left.

"Mother!" I said forcefully, once they left.
"Their names are Calvin and Josie!"

"Whatever," She said with a wave of her hand.
"Now, these two 'friends', what connections do they have?'

I felt anger bubbling inside of me. I'd have to stand up to her eventually.

"They don't have any. They are just my friends," I said, between gritted teeth.

She narrowed her black-kohl lined eyes at me.
"You know how I feel about 'friends', Porsha,"

"I know, mother, and I don't care," I said slowly.

I saw her Anger Vein bulging on her forehead. For once, I didn't care.

"Porsha. I am your mother..."

"I know. And if you don't let my friends spend the night tonight, I will quit Beauty and the Beast."

She inhaled a sharp breath.

"You wouldn't dare..."

"I would...now. let. me. go."

She gave a dramatic huff and whirled around yelling , "JAMES!!" at the top of her lungs.

I gave a half satisfied smile and went downstairs to join Josie and Calvin in the limo.
© Copyright 2005 Amanda (UN: frenchgirl98 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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