Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/359967-Can-I-just-sleep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#359967 added July 15, 2005 at 7:11am
Restrictions: None
Can I just sleep?
I don't know why but I've been feeling so tired for days now and it's not getting any better. *Frown* I know I'm still getting over the cough I've had this past week but this constant exhaustion is really strange. I find I have to drag myself out of bed each morning to at least be in the lounge room so I can keep a half open eye and an ear on the kids. But I can't bring myself to do much of anything other than that.

I sense there is some form of depression mixing with it all but I can't work out why. I thought things were going pretty well these days and it's my own lack of willpower that means I'm not progressing as quickly with each of my goals as I'd like.

I haven't touched The Dating Game in ages now because I can't bring myself to look at it from the point of view of a reader rather than the writer. I have to edit the darn thing and I'm terrified I'm going to hate every line. I can't get away from it enough to be an emotionless observer, I've invested too much of myself into it.

The house is falling back into a mess too. I feel like the moment I get one room clean the rest of the house is in chaos. I know it's supposed to be that way when you've got young kids but with this lethargy it's exhausting to do anything, let alone do it ten times a day. *Frown*

This tax thing is frustrating me too. I recieved my PAYG Summary and apparently I didn't earn enough this year to pay tax. In a way that's a good thing but it's also not. Since I had paid a few thousand in medical bills earlier this year I was looking forward to getting some of that back as a tax refund. Not paying tax means there is nothing to refund. I'll let Paul know he should claim those bills on his tax that way someone benifits from them.

It's also more of a headache because I think I have to lodge a baby bonus claim but I can't find the forms. I tried to do it online but once again it's asking for a notice of assessment that I don't have. It won't let me lodge the form without one. *Frown* It's all just a headache and I'm tempted to say stuff it. But then $500 is a big chunk of money, it's two weeks income and would certainly be very helpful right about now.

In good news the package arrived from the US and I can see why Paul didn't want to part with it. One shirt in particular would have pulled his heartstrings. It say's Daddy's Princess and that's something he and Kaylie share. She didn't like him calling her his baby so she said he had to call her his princess. Kaylie Princess Fairy. lol It's adorable. He sent Kaylie three shirts and two shirts for Josh. One of Josh's shirts is a baseball shirt and he looks adorable in it. I snapped a picture with the camera where he's holding a ball, looks like he's about to pitch it. Just georgious. *Smile*

Anyway, I made an entry when I really didn't want to. Probably got a black day for the 14th but who really cares. I'd rather just go curl up and sleep. I hope everyone else has more energy than I do. Especially Nada, that's one lovely lady who can't afford to be suffering from fatigue at the moment. *Smile* I wish I had your energy Nada. *Bigsmile* Keep it up.

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