Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/358856-Im-still-here
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#358856 added July 10, 2005 at 12:05am
Restrictions: None
I'm still here
Well since Dan was obviously getting a little worried I figure I really should post a new journal entry. This week I've been vegetating. I haven't wanted to do much of anything because I'm sick and that evil Aunt Flo is visiting again and I don't have any chocolate.

Josh has been sick all week too and in the last few days he's given me his cough. It's terrible dealing with a sick baby because he won't settle down for a rest with me on the chair and I'm still running around like a headless chook. Kaylie being home too doesn't much help and she's always hungry when I'm not hungry at all so it's frustrating having to be around food when I can't stand the sight of it.

Last night I thought I had a topic to talk about in my journal but I figured it could wait till today. Of course now I've forgotton what I was going to talk about. *Frown* Don't you hate that? I'm sure it was something very interesting and I'm sorry to all of you that you'll have to listen to my negative chatter instead of my insightful commentary. *Wink*

I've been avoiding the computer for the most part this week. Getting lots of reading done however and haven't been subjected to too much TV. The shows I normally what have finished their season so we are going into the time when there isn't much on. It happens around this time every year. Hopefully there will be a few shows that come into season that will be worth watching but to tell the truth, although I miss the programs I'd normally be watching, I don't miss TV.

I still didn't get Josh Immunised. It's on my list and last weekend I planned to call to make an appointment. Of course, Josh fell sick. He always does that doesn't he? Whenever I decide that now is the time to make that appointment he catches another cold. It's dangerous doing an innoculation when his immune system is already under attack which means I'll have to wait at least another week now until he's all better and no chance of a recurrance.

I've also been meaning to get the dog groomed but keep putting it off because of my budget. Hopefully this week I'll be able to get it done. I'm still technically about $10 short on my Animals budget because he had to get wormed the other week but I really can't leave him another fortnight because he's looking shaggy and I don't want trouble with his toenails like we've had in the past (didn't get the cut and they grew so long they started to curve back into the soft tissue, very bad)

In a sense I'm glad I've been sick because it's meant I haven't wanted to do much. I had big plans for the school holidays, to take the kids out, Sci-tech, Whiteman Park, Aqua etc. But the trouble is the car is playing up. I think I mentioned that Paul extended his vacation till August so I have his car till then. The trouble is it's long over due for a service and now the indicators aren't working. The other day it stalled on me as I was going around a round about. Thankfully I was able to use the momentum to get it up on a curb but it was seriously dangerous. Especially because the engine then wouldn't start for about five minutes. It did eventually start again but not I have no indicators and I don't trust it, even if I had indicators I wouldn't trust it for the long trips required to get to those holiday activities.

The most annoying thing about it is that because Paul had told me he'd be away till August I topped up the car with petrol. Now it's sitting in my driveway with a full tank. Hopefully, we'll be able to get it working. I plan to talk to Paul about getting it serviced while he's away and hopefully he'll agree to pay the expenses since it is his car and he should have had it serviced before lending it to me.

What else can I tell you? Not much really. I still haven't been able to finish my Tax Return because I'm still waiting on my PAYG Summary from Centrelink. I have however added the medical expenses we had in January ($2000) from which I have another deductable 20%. That expense was the Day Surgery Kaylie had for her extracted teeth. It hit me hard in the pocket at the time and it's nice to know I can claim 20% as a deduction on my tax because that will definately help a lot. I hope Centrelink doens't take too long getting the summary out to me because I really want to finish doing my tax. The money would really come in handy about now.

Well, I have been here and now I'm heading back to the couch and the blankets and pillows and a good book. Time to rest some more. Of course, perhaps I'll get Kaylie's lunch first so I won't be disturbed in five minutes by a five year old's constantly hungry belly. If I don't post tomorrow then I'm still in my low so forgive me. *Smile* And when I feel better I'll catch up on everyone elses journals. *Smile*

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