Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/356338-To-quick-to-rejoice-and-end-of-semester
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#356338 added June 28, 2005 at 3:05am
Restrictions: None
To quick to rejoice and end of semester
Ok, so I did a little hop, skip and dance yesterday when the internet was finally connected again but it seems I rejoiced too soon. Nearly two hours after I got connected the connection disappeared on me. I was partway through reading the journals I frequent, catching up on the last three days when all of a sudden nothing would load.

I moaned and groaned and repaired and reset and fiddled. Eventually I gave up and tried again this morning. Still nothing so back on the phone to the helpdesk. She talks me through everything I'd already tried and then decides she has no clue what the problem is and that she can't help me. What the??? Ok, so shouldn't the helpdesk be more... um... helpful? If they can't solve the problem shouldn't they be suggesting alternatives?

Before she hung up on me I suggested there could be a problem with the modem so she gave me the contact of the company who makes the modems (yeah, like they can help). I tried calling them but after half an hour of being on hold with just a silent (felt dead) line I gave up and resorted to doing the troubleshooting I can do. I uninstalled the modem completely and started again.

That seemed to work because I'm connected now and it's been up a few hours although I've only been activily using it for about 15 minutes I left it connected when I went out to the Multi-cultural day at Kaylie's school.

This Friday is the last day of school for the semester. In Australia our school year is devided into four terms of ten weeks. After the second term it's considered semester break which is half year. Then they go back after two weeks holidays for term 3 and 4.

Anyway, today as part of the lead up to holidays they had a family fun day. Multi-cultural day where they taught the kids about different countries and the kids dressed up in the traditional dress of other countries and families took various foods from around the world.

Kaylie wanted to go as an American. With her Daddy in America she thought he'd be sending out some clothes and she'd be able to wear them. Of course we've not had anything like that arrive yet but I did my best to scrounge together something that seemed decent enough. Jeans a blue long sleeve shirt, sneakers and a blue, white and red beanie with a hood jumper. Ok so we Aussies where that garb too but I figured it would do for a pre-school family fun day. lol I also prepared nacho's with mild salsa and cheese as our share plate. I enjoyed it, I hope others did too. *Smile*

Tomorrow her class has an excursion to the local hospital. They've been learning about doctors and nurses etc. in school and the kids are looking forward to seeing a real hospital. They love playing in the home corner which for this term was transformed into a hospital corner with gowns and white coats and stethescopes etc.

The other update is about Paul. Well, he was due back this weekend. His month holiday from work is over and he should have been to work yesterday but he wasn't. Apparently he's decided to stay in America until August (which I presume is when his visa runs out). I suspect he'll come back in August to make preparations for living there permenantly.

The good news is that I don't have to worry about getting him to visit the kids which was always a concern. I didn't want them to feel like he couldn't be bothered visiting them. Now with an ocean between them it's easier to explain that he lives to far away to pop over whenever he wants to but that he misses them. The other good news is that I can continue to use his car until at least August and possible after that if he does return to America.

I'm glad that things seem to be working out between him and Sherri. It would have been awful for him feeling like he'd thrown away his marriage and his kids for nothing. Obviously the relationship wasn't working anyway but imagine being the one who had ended things because of an affair only to realise it's all a pipe dream. I'm happy for him, now if only I can find myself the perfect man. *Smile*

I best post this and get caught up on everything else. I ran out of time to do it all yesterday because of the loss of connection. Fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again any time soon.

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