Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/356097-Internet-Connections---Finally-Back
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#356097 added June 27, 2005 at 1:37am
Restrictions: None
Internet Connections - Finally Back
*takes a deep breath of reconnected contentment before settling back in from of her writing.com journal*

Well this weekend was horrible. Around midday Friday I lost my connection. No explaination. Nothing! Just gone. I spent the next hour or so doing my usual problem shooting then gave up thinking it would be back up in a few hours.

Of course I went back to try again a few hours later. Nothing!!! By then it was past business hours and swiftly proceeding into the weekend. I toddled around the house bored and wondering if anyone was sending me emails or replying to my journal. Itching to read other journals and do my genealogy research. But, nothing...

All day Saturday and all day Sunday this dilema persisted but being the weekend I couldn't reach anyone in my internet service providers offices. I decided I'd be calling them first thing Monday.

Finally Monday arrives, for some reason we all sleep in until closer to 8AM which is good because it meant that other than checking if the connection was working I didn't have time to try and work out what to do instead of being on the computer. I got Kaylie to school, stopped at the shop to get milk and then came home shortly after nine and got on the phone.

"We are experiencing higher than anticipated calls and you have been placed on hold, current wait time is 15 minutes. If you request is not urgent, please consider calling back at another time." Well, my request was urgent so I hung in there listing to the hold music which was reminiscent of old elevator music.

5, 10, 15 minutes come and go with this mindless music and the frequent interruptions of, "You call is important to us, we will be with you shortly." The biggest lie of the century. 20, 25, 30 minutes. At which time I turn to Josh who's playing at my ankles, "I think their idea of customer service is waiting until customers get sick of waiting and hang up." A minute later someone comes on the line.

So, "chatter, chatter, chatter, try this, try that, try the other. Ok, I'll see if I can figure it out please hold." Back to the music but this time the wait is only a few minutes. She comes back on the line to inform me that the ADSL code for this line is no longer available and that I should call my phone company to find out what changes they have made.

So I thank the lovely woman hang up and pick up the phone for another call. This time the on hold music is more modern. Possibly 60's or 70's music. Modern enough that I know the words and I put the phone on speaker while I wait and dance about the lounge room with Josh. Eventually someone comes on the line. She is completely clueless. Home Phone puts me through to Broadband.

Oh yes, we connected you as of today. WHAT THE??? I didn't recieve any notification that it had happened. No modem in the mail with username or password or anything. Yes, well it was sent on Friday, should be arriving today or tomorrow.

Anyway, thank you very much, hang up and wait for the postman. Thankfully the modem arrived by parcel post an hour later and I hooked it all up, got it all working.

Trouble is I just payed till August on my last provider. Hopefully when I call to cancel that account they'll refund me. Probably not. I'm just hoping that I had completed my term with them else I'll have a bill for early disconnection. But now I suppose I shouldn't complain.

Hopefully all the hassles are over and now my fixed, mobile and broadband are all with the same provider. It only took them 4 months to get me connected... It's done and now I just wait and hope the bill isn't too astronomical.

Never did get the free cordless they were supposed to send out for changing my home phone plan. But I'm beyond caring. I don't need another phone and I'm more than happy to leave it as it is. I got the services bundled and I'm connected. That will do for now.

The good news is that after a weekend of being internetless I'm back online and catching up with everything. *Smile*

© Copyright 2005 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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