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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
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#355319 added June 23, 2005 at 7:18am
Restrictions: None
Sick Baby Boy :-(
I hate it when one of my kids gets sick. Especially when they are as young as Josh is and can't tell you what hurts or how they feel. He's been so miserable all day and didn't sleep very well. He's at the stage where he's not a baby enough to sleep away the whole day when sick but not big enough to be still and settled down resting.

It's nothing serious, just one of the many coughs and colds that go along with winter each year. So far I'm not following him into the sick bed but I'm knocking wood on that one because inevitably just as he's getting better I'll be struck down near death.

Last night a neighbour who has a boy in Kaylie's pre-school class stopped by to see if I had any panadol she could have. I had just bought a brand new bottle to replace the bottle I just finished so I poured some of my new bottle into the old bottle and gave her that. Her little girl is about Josh's age and seems to be down with the same flu.

This morning it was pouring down as usual and she stopped in to ask me if I could take her boy to school for her. Of course I did, he's a delightful boy and Kaylie thought it was exciting doing something a little different by taking a school friend to school too.

Still I rushed back home to get Josh back inside out of the weather. I made sure I'd dressed him snuggly and this afternoon I wrapped him in a blanket when we went out. Still, he didn't much like being out and about and definately wouldn't let me put him down. Today was a day of cuddles and kisses, amongst fussing and food.

I think today was harder because it's the first time he was sick since I stopped breast feeding. Any mother who breastfeed their babies would know how comforting it is to breastfeed them when they are sick. You can snuggle down together, warm, close and comfortable. And they settle, content to suckle and snooze the day away. We can't do that any more so he was grumpy and miserable and probably didn't get as much sleep as he could have were I still breastfeeding him.

But babies grow up. And today I suppose was his first big boy sickness. Hopefully tomorrow he'll be feeling better. Unfortunately his being sick today meant I missed out on going out for lunch. My mother and grandmother were going to Sizzlers, an all you can eat buffet which serves incredibly yummy food. It's not expensive but it's more than I could budget in an average week which is why we rarely get to go there.

It's a shame to have missed out on the lovely lunch and I didn't get to spend as much time with my grandmother as I'd have liked. It's her 72nd birthday tomorrow. Hopefully sometime soon I'll be able to get together with her for a while and talk genealogy. *Smile* She's been a wealth of information in the past but I have more questions to ask her and know how to probe for the answers I want a little more now. Not to mention the detailed questionaire I've prepared.

Anyway, that's all that's interesting on this end. Nothing much happening this week. Trying to make progress on The Davinci Code but I keep getting interrupted. It's not easy to sit back and read a book when you've got a sick 1 year old. He likes sitting and rocking but doesn't like it when Mum's attention is not centered on him. *Smile*

But now's my chance, kids are asleep and I've got a couple of hours until Lost is on. Time to log off and snatch a chapter or three. *Smile*

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