Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/354280-Much-calmer-today---buying-a-printer-helped
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
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#354280 added June 17, 2005 at 8:01pm
Restrictions: None
Much calmer today - buying a printer helped
Sorry to anyone who suffered through my entry yesterday. It was helpful to rant like that but I shouldn't have subjected you all to it by making it public. *distracted by kids a moment* Josh has taken every single one of the video's off the shelves and spread them out across the floor. *sighs* KIDS!!! Who wants 'em? *Wink*

Anyway, today is a day for housework because hopefully Kaylie will keep Josh out from under my feet. No school is always great. I'm probably one of the rare parents who think that but Kaylie is so little trouble that it's actually more effort to get her to and from school each morning than it is to have her home. That makes Saturday and Sunday's less chaotic. I must admit I'm not so keen on the two weeks holiday's coming up shortly.

I got a new printer and already regret it. *Frown* That's one of the terrible things about retail therapy. You buy things inspite of your situation. I must admit I bought one of the cheaper models which is part of my regret. It doesn't help that it's already not working properly and I wasn't too pleased about ending up with the display model but not getting a discount for the fact that it had been out of it's box.

It does do the job for the most part however. I haven't really given it a true test by printing a dozen pages in a row yet but I did print up a page with two photo's and they came out pretty good. Not perfect Kodak quality, definate digital photo's with printer strips but for what I need it will do. Printing black and white does fine as well. But for some reason, it's been printing the image onto the page and then freezing instead of spooling the paper off. I've had to cancel the print job and then it spits the rest of the paper out for me. I'll have to troubleshoot that problem and see if I can figure out how to fix it.

My mother is coming around today. I'm looking forward to her finally moving house because she won't be visiting me so often (I hope). I love my mother but sometimes her presence here is judgemental and I feel terrible about minor things, like the dishes in the sink and toys (and video's) strewn across the floor. I love that she wants to come here and help me keep this house in order but I don't like the way I feel guilty about it getting into a mess in the first place. It's my own fault, I don't keep at the housework like I'm supposed to. The dishes build up as rapidly as the laundry and it's been a week since I last vaccuumed. I suppose I should get started on it now so I don't feel to terrible when she arrives.

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