Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/352918-And-I-cant-even-blame-my-connection
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#352918 added June 10, 2005 at 7:59pm
Restrictions: None
And I can't even blame my connection
Well I've been very slack, I could try to pretend that I've not had a connection for the last few days but truthfully that wasn't why I haven't posted in my journal. Most mornings I've slept a little later than usual. I need the sleep because at the moment I'm weaning Josh and trying to get him to sleep through the night. It's working well as each night he sleeps better and he's starting to get the idea that breastmilk is no longer an option.

It can still be hard to keep my resolve all hours of the night but so far I haven't given in. Last night he went down without arguement but he was tired. He actually went down early because he was fussy, miserable, kind of tired. It meant that this morning he wanted to wake up earlier but I resettled him and eventually got him back to sleep. I let him get up after 7AM and hopefully that will mean he'll be ready for be about 7PM tonight. I might also aim to make his day nap an hour later than it has been. Normally he'd been waking about 6AM going down for a nap about 10:30AM till 1:30 and he's grumpy, ready for bed about 6PM so it was a struggle to keep him up till 7PM bedtime. Today I kept him in bed till 7AM, will aim for an 11:30AM nap time and hopefully he'll be ready for bed at 7PM tonight.

I'm still yawning and it's 7:40AM now. I've also been sick these last few days. Part of what made me decide to wean Josh now was yet another case of mastitis. Because feedings were irregular it's been difficult keeping things going. As I'm sure I've said before, when I get sick, I get really sick, so things like this can be a real problem. Thankfully this case wasn't too bad, it didn't reach the point of full blown infection and I suspect that has something to do with the way I countered the effects as soon as I realised what happened. Things seem to be getting better now.

I do have good news. I finally own my house. *Smile* Finance went through on Wednessday so things are finally all settled and I'm the proud owner of a 100,000 australian dollar mortgage. Now I can put my renovation plans into effect, or I could if I had some money left over. It won't take long to save for that as I'll be doing lots of little things over the next few months but hopefully not spending too much money in regular day to day life. Now is the time to hoard money to invest into the house so that in a year or three I'll have improved the house drastically and can sell for a good profit and use the money I make on the sale as a deposit for the kind of house I'd really love to live in. (Double brick for starts, I hate brick/veneer lol)

More bad news is that while I thought Paul (my ex) was covering my broadband from his credit card until I sorted my own out, apparently he wasn't. *Frown* I'd been sending him the cash for it each month but payment for the past two months bounced and yesterday I found out that I'd recieved a disconnection notice. I don't actually check my ozemail email so I didn't know about the prior notices. I don't think this has anything to do with my connection difficulties but it could mean I'll be disconnected in the near future. Hopefully I was in time to get it paid without trouble and I'll have my own credit card soon so I won't have to depend on Paul for anything.

Not much else going on. Looks like I'll be doing a lot of reading over the next few months because I don't want to spend any more money on other entertainment. I'll have to be careful financially because things are a bit of a balancing act at the moment if I want to get ahead. It's almost tax time so hopefully that will help.

Anyway, enough from me, you've all got more interesting things to be reading and doing and I've got a bunch of entries to catch up on since I haven't spend my time here this past week. *Smile* I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has been doing.

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