Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/350178-A-car-and-a-weekend-of-Divine-Divinity
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#350178 added May 29, 2005 at 8:20pm
Restrictions: None
A car and a weekend of Divine Divinity
I have a car. *Smile* Well at least for the next month. Paul dropped his beat up old bomb to me on Saturday. It's nice to have transport in the driveway even if I hope not to use it too often. Of course I drove it yesterday to get some bread and milk and the petrol (gas for those American's) tank was empty. Bone dry kind of empty. Get you to a petrol station and that's it kind of empty. I thought about texting him to give him my sincere thanks but figured I wouldn't waste the 25 cents.

I actually expected a lot more anxiety getting back into the driver's seat after spending the last three months having not driven at all. I'm a nervous driver. I have to dump vitamin B on myself (usually a big bowl of Sustain cereal and a multivitamin tablet) just to get into a car. I hate driving and it's not because I'm a bad driver, I'm a great driver, I'm super cautious and probably frustrate a lot of drivers because of it. I'm not afraid I'm going to cause and accident, I'm afraid someone else is. I'm a little paranoid but in a sense it's a good thing. I've had my license nearly 6 years now (in August) and have never gotten a ticket or lost a demerit. I wonder if there is a no claim bonus on speeding tickets? *Wink*

But despite having not been behind the wheel in three months it wasn't as difficult to get there as I thought. And once I'd backed out of my driveway I was fairly well settled into the process again. lol just thought of something funny, I'm the only one in my immediate blood-line that hasn't knocked down a letterbox. It's our family innitiation to driving. My mother, brother and both sisters took out a letterbox at some time in their driving. Not me, I'm too cautious, and thankfully my letterbox isn't very close to the driveway. I'd have to take out a bushy tree to get to it.

This weekend was pretty lazy. Since I didn't have the car till late Saturday we didn't go out at all. I stayed home and Kaylie played and watched a few videos much as she does most days. I played Divine Divinity. I got back into pretty quickly and I'm doing really well. It helps that I've ubered my character. For those of you not familiar with RPG's 'to uber' means to stack up the stats on strength and constitution, get the finest, hardest hitting, super weapon you can find, and kick-butt armour. 'An uber character' is basically a walking tank that cuts through the bad guys like cheese.

DD (hereby DD stands for Divine Divinity) is pretty good. It's easier than some RPG's because while you might pick a warrior class you can learn the survivor (rogue) and the wizard skills too. So I have a warrior who is master of lock picking, pick pocketing, poison weapon, deadly gifts, and restoration. *Smile* Well rounded wouldn't you think? And super adept at causing damage and staying alive as well as getting into anything he wants.

One problem with the game is that the shop keepers have stuff all money. I recently bought a house (in game not just out of game *Wink* ) And in a wardrobe in my house I have stacks upon stacks of weapons, armour, jewellery etc. that I've looted from wherever I was adventuring in the past. It's all there for me to sell but there isn't anyone rich enough to buy very much of it. I've already got about 400,000 in gold coins stashed in the chest next to the wardrobe as well as about 100 valuable gemstones. Yep, I'm rich. *Wink*

Anyway, it's fun and much better than sitting about berating myself for not writing. *Smile* Yesterday while I was out getting bread and milk I also stopped in at the video store. (That's a name that'll soon be obsolete are we going to call the DVD stores soon?) I got Lemony Snicket's A series of unfortunate events. It was pretty good. The little toddler in it was the most adorable little thing. *Smile* I want one. *Wink* I also got Elektra which I'll watch later today.

Anyway, a basic catch up since I haven't written an entry in a couple of days. (Sorry, *looks guilty* distracted from the whole writing thing at the moment.) Meanwhile, got to go walk Kaylie to school. (Notice I'm still walking her even though I've got access to a car? It's a beautiful day and the exercise is good for us.) *Smile*

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