Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/347773-The-Dating-Game---Nearly-Finished
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#347773 added May 17, 2005 at 7:58pm
Restrictions: None
The Dating Game - Nearly Finished
Well, after two days of not writing it was great to get back in the chair today. Surprisingly the break didn't do me too much harm, perhaps because it wasn't a conscious choice not to write. I suppose I could have reverted to twenty minutes of longhand but with the way my wrist behaves these days time on the computer can get painful I would hate to imagine trying to write for long, furious, periods in longhand. Yes, excuses, excuses. *Wink*

Well as I worked on chapter ten I needed to revert back to some of the things mentioned in chapter three so that facts related. I read the parts I needed, and read some more, and read some more. Damn, I'm good. *Wink* I sucked myself into my own story, it was hard to stop after I'd started reading. lol I actually found at least that chapter is no where near as bad as I thought it was. I found myself doing some touch ups with spelling, structure etc. as I read but I'll do a proper edit later when I've finished chapter ten.

Chapter ten is coming along nicely and I'll have finished by the end of this week I expect. It's exciting coming to this point and a little scary too. My head is starting to put me ahead of myself to the submission stage. I'm trying to prepare myself for rejection from the publishing company I'm aiming for. The truth is I haven't really prepared myself for it at all. If they won't publish my book who else could I submit it to? Harlequinn are basically the only Romance book I read. I'm subscribed to them and in Australia they pretty much rule the Romance category. But as I said, that's getting ahead of myself. Time to step back and focus on Chapter Ten and then the second and third drafts, then reviewers, then long after that I can consider submitting the manuscript to publishers.

Western Australia is getting back to normal after Monday's storms. It's amazing how widespread and extensive the damage was. Most people have power by now although as of nightfall last night (about twelve hours ago) about 5000 homes in Western Australia were predicted to have still been out of power. That's 36 hours after the cyclone.

We were out of power for 30 hours and it's amazing how strange it feels. Particularly at night time. I'm lucky enough to have a gas cooker and gas hot water, but it gets you thinking about times prior electricity. We had an early meal, of simple soup as the sun was setting. Lit a candle and after eating went to bed early. Even me. *Smile* I read a little by candlelight but not as late as I would normally stay up reading. I went to sleep about 8PM which is incredible.

I woke up in the morning expecting to feel particularly refreshed but I wasn't. Obviously even those few extra hours were not enough to rid myself of the sleep debt I've accumulated over this past year. I must admit I slept well considering there were no lights. (I don't like the dark.) I don't remember dreaming but I frequently don't dream so I guess there was nothing unusual there.

This house should now be termite free. The smell of the chemicals actually wasn't too bad once I got home about 5PM. I stopped home in the afternoon to open some of the windows at the back of the house to give it some air before coming home with the kids in the evening. Hopefully the termite treatment will help us with our regular ant problems too. I haven't seen any sign of them today but it's not the weather for them either.

Meanwhile, it's getting on to 8AM and I should get the day started. Belly rumbling as usual and a daughter who needs to get dressed for school. Have a great day/night everyone. *Smile*

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