Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/347594-Cyclones-and-Western-Power
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#347594 added May 17, 2005 at 12:27am
Restrictions: None
Cyclones and Western Power
I love storms! We don't get many decent ones here in Western Australia, normally our weather is mundane and boring. But yesterday we had terrific weather. *Smile* A cyclone! Well my sense of fantastic weather is perhaps a little warped, I love storms, and I love the power of nature.

Yesterday morning we had just woken up when the lights went out. At that time of the morning and with storm clouds hiding what could have been a sunrise it was particularly dark. Kaylie didn't much like being suddenly thrust into darkness. We settled back onto the couch to watch the storm since with no power I didn't have access to my computer to do my writing like I normally would that time of the morning.

Later it was still a bit blustry, flashes of lightning etc. so I called my mother. She works nearby and would be heading to work about the time I need to get Kaylie to school so I asked her to drop her off for me. That saved me having to walk with Kaylie and Josh during a storm. I'm so glad she was able because the weather all day was terrible although after the cyclone had passed it was a little calmer.

They cyclone ripped up a tree, taking out my mothers back fence and washing line. The roots are half in and half out of the ground and the whole tree is laying across my mothers lawn. It is so close to the shed. Very lucky not to have damaged anything. This house is sheduled for demolishion later this year (to make way for some new roads) so the government (who currently own the land and thus the house) will probably only arrange to patch the fence not fix it. Fortunately Mum has just bought a new house and will have moved out in about a month anyway.

Today my house no only has no power but it's being fumigated. TERMITES!!! The little buggers are riddled through my shed, the fences and apparently have a nest in the tree out on the verge. It's probably that they are under the house as well so Stan (a friend of the family who happens to be in pest control) is fumigating it all. Spraying the fenceline, drilling and dousing the tree and bombing underneath the house. It means me and the kids have to stay away until this evening because of the smell and the toxins.

Hopefully by the time we return the smell will begin to disappate (opening all windows etc) and the power will be back on.

Anyway, it's been a hectic beginning to the week. I had a laugh when I checked my email from this computer (I'm at my mothers) just now. I subscribe to a daily horoscope from the US and yesterdays horoscope said, "The Eye of the Storm has Passed". Talk about irony. *Smile* I wonder how many others had such literal interpretations of their horoscope that day. *Smile*

Now, time for lunch and to get back onto the road. Got a long trip to get back to Armadale. Will be picking up Kaylie from school and walking to the shops after that. We might hang around for an early dinner there before heading home. Give the termites plenty of time to die or vacate. *Smile*

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