Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/346807-Two-Chapters-To-Go
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#346807 added May 12, 2005 at 7:27pm
Restrictions: None
Two Chapters To Go
Chapter Eight finished and the best two chapters to come. *Smile* Chapter Nine and Ten. I'm not as exstatic about this as I think I should be. I'm having trouble getting into the spirit but I think it's just because I'm on a low ebb at the moment. Perhaps it's just that this book has taken a while to write already and the excitement has worn off a little. I'm looking forward to finishing but I'm not overjoyed at the event like I thought I would be. I mean it's the first, first draft, I've ever finished. Perhaps when it is actually finished I'll feel better.

Perhaps this difficult stage is part of the wall? I noticed it was a struggle to get through todays writing and the book hasn't been on my mind, percolating, during the day time lately. Now it's over after I save and close the file each morning and I move onto other things. I can't say I'm even thinking much on my next novel although I need to start doing that.

On other things, I made it to the next round of the RAW. Suprised me because I did think that Shroom and I would have been tough to choose between. Today I'll spend some time writing my Surrender poem. I want to use a specific for without an abab or aabb rhyme scheme to stand out. I'll have to see what I come up with.

My sister put in an offer for a house yesterday and I spoke to my loans officer. She's waiting on the change of title from conveyancing which should be getting back to her today or early next week. Then she writes up the final papers and we arrange to sign them then settlement is a couple of days later. So hopefully I'll own this house in a couple of weeks.

It's raining today and Kaylie just said, "I can't go to school today because it's raining." It is a good excuse, I don't relish the idea of walking for an hour in the rain. *Frown* Is rain with no transport a legitimate reason to keep a preschooler home for the day? Not really, besides I should be going out with a friend today for lunch and putting Josh in the Little Aussie competition. *Smile* Looks like I'll be walking for an hour in the rain, I better go dig up our rain coats. *Frown*

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