Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/346626-Technically-its-still-only-a-day--
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#346626 added May 11, 2005 at 7:47pm
Restrictions: None
Technically it's still only a day ;-)
I wrote my last entry late on Tuesday night and didn't write one at all yesterday however it's only 7PM on the 11th according to writing.com time so technically it's still the 11th and my entry isn't late *Wink* It's actually 7:30AM here on Thursday now and soon I'll be getting off the computer to get ready for the day ahead.

The lady buying the bath eventually replied to my email. Asking to pick it up this morning. So I'll aim to be home all morning. I still think it's pretty slack of her not to give me a definate time and I hate that I might waste the whole morning when for a change I have access to a car. I suppose it does give me a reason to get some of the jobs done around the house. I replied with my phone number so hopefully if she can't make it after all she'll phone.

Kaylie was in an accident yesterday. Had a close encounter with a bike rider. We were walking home from school yesterder along the footpath and a teenage girl was riding her pushbike in the other direction. On the side of the path there is a cement train entry that Kaylie likes to jump onto from the path so she jumped then turned around. I saw the teenager coming along on her bike and shouted for Kaylie to stop but it was too late, she jumped and landed back on the path, right in front of the biker.

To her credit the teenager did whatever she could to prevent damage. She slammed on the breaks and attempted to swerve but it was much too late. The bike wheel snagged Kaylie on the side. She was flung about a foot down the path and landed bumping her head on the ground. She came out of it with a bump and a scrap but otherwise unharmed.

It was the sort of accident you see coming but can't do anything to prevent. It could have been so much worse and I'm so glad she's ok. The poor teenager was freaking out but I reassured her. It really wasn't her fault, she probably shouldn't have been riding her bike on the footpath but I was a teenager once and I did it all the time. It's not like she was being dangerous, she was just riding.

Paul said he would have ripped the teens head off. I'm just glad Kaylie is alright. It reminded me of a similar thing that happened to my mother years ago. Mum was injured more, had a chunk of skin ripped out of her leg. She had just stepped out of the doctors office straight into the path of a biker that was going fast and being dangerous considering he was speeding around the small walkway around a busy shopping centre.

This morning's 20 was tough. It's hard to be the voice of reason when you aren't sure you're being reasonable. In the scene I just finished, Susan (Emma's sister) was talking Emma into giving marriage with Jake a chance. Emma is worried that he'll leave like all the other men in her life and Sue is trying to convince her that he's worth the chance. Emma is based on me remember, and my husband left about four months ago (on the 16th so almost exactly 4 months). At the moment I'm still dealing with the fact that all the men in my life never hang around. I can completely relate to Emma which made it hard to write for Sue.

I did it however but listening to what Sue had to say about it. She after all is happily married with a newborn baby and the thrill of new love. The scene will need some touch ups of course, when the time comes, because it is undoubtably a little stilted. That's most of chapter eight done now. Just going to have another scene with Emma's dilema then it'll be time for chapter nine. Getting into the good stuff. *Smile*

Ok, time to get this day on the road. *Smile* Notice the attempt at a cheery entry. I could have written something near identical to my last one but I made an effort to keep it upbeat. Now I've ruined it *Wink* *shrugs* Oh well.

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