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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/287137-Its-a-Guy-Thing
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
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#287137 added April 20, 2004 at 7:14pm
Restrictions: None
It's a Guy Thing
Hi there. *Bigsmile*

I don't know why I'm in such a chirper mood. I feel crappy. For those of you who don't know, I have a nasty cold. I very seldom get sick. (knock on wood) In fact I honestly can't recall when I was last sick. Last year maybe.

It's no big deal. I caught it from Mitchell. (Thanks Mitch) Thank goodness I don't seem to have opted for the full Mitchell flu deal. My throat's not nearly as sore as his was but I'm making up for it with all the sneezing. LOTS of sneezing. Sometimes one after another after another. Back to back sneezes. The kind that makes Cricket jump several inches into the air from his cat nap on my lap.

I'm not a big fan of the pre-sneeze. When the sneezing urge suddenly comes upon me and whatever else I'm doing at the time gets forgotten while my face goes through numerous contortions designed to make me look VERY stupid and VERY unsexy. Thank goodness Cricket is so forgiving and understandable. Not like humans can be. I don't want to sneeze. I'm not trying to set a record for most continuous sneezes in a row. Therefore I've been avoiding going out in public recently. It's only right.

Feeling crappy like I do you'd think I would have toddled off to bed straight away after the Spree last night but oh no. I'm a guy you see. We can be very stubborn and foolish at times. We know we should take better care of ourselves. Going straight to bed would have been the smart choice, instead I ventured over to my trivia site to play one last quiz before bed. The trouble was I placed within the top ten in that quiz, and the next one and the one after that one too. I even managed to finish in the number one postion twice in a row. I haven't won a quiz since last month. So I found myself staying up all night even though I was feeling yucky and knew better.

I've found the same holds true when it comes to my frisky side. I can honestly say no matter how crappy I'm feeling at the time, it doesn't take much to make me forget that and get me in the mood. That's gotta be a guy thing right? Females seem to either be in the mood or they're not. Throw in a throbbing headache, puffy eyes and machine gun sneezes and the chances of them feeling frisky is pretty slim I'll bet. I on the other hand can magically forget all that with just a slight feminine touch or a coy, would you like anything look. This has always mystified me. I don't feel very sexy when I'm sick. Maybe it's a female nurturing instinct. Maybe it's because when I feel like this I can be as weak as a baby. Or maybe I've got it all wrong. Mabe I've mistaken looks of pity for something else.


So here I sit infront of this screen when I know I really should be lying down and resting. I've got a warm and fuzzy comforting feeling from the anticpation of the Smarites errand I sent Mitchell on. Mmmmmmmm Smarties. *Bigsmile* I know I know. Probably not the best cold remedy going but I love the little buggers. Yummmmmmmm Smarties. *Bigsmile* Shoot. I should have asked him to pick up some nuts too. I can't be all that sick if I still have an appetite.

I've also been making some bids at eBay recently. I haven't done that in over two years. I even won something. Something I don't really need. It must be my competitive side because I really enjoyed how I outfoxed the person sniping with only two minutes to go in the auction. Ha! Mess with me will he? I don't think so. Of course I'm not quite so cocky when I consider how much I spent for something I didn't really need in the first place. Shipping to Canada almost doubled it again and of course there's the exchange rate to consider also. Yeah! Betchya won't mess with this guy again will ya? I'm the type a guy willing to spend waaaaaaaay more than he should have on an item he really doesn't need just so I can say I won.

I'm currently only leading in one last auction which is just as well. On one of the auctions I was outbid by someone with a "-1" by their handle. That means they've had only one response concerning an item they tried to buy and it was a negative response. I'm not sure where that's going to leave me. I suppose it's all up to the seller. I was actually a bit relieved when I was outbid on that item seeing as how overboard I had been on the previous one. I wouldn't want to be in the seller's place if he finishes as the high bidder. The negative comment was terrible. It will be interesting to see how that auction turns out.

Well I never expected to chat on like this when I stopped by. I seem to be feeling a little less light headed right now. Not nearly good enough to go to the gym though. Anyways...I have Smarties coming. Mmmmmmmmmm *Bigsmile* Smarties. *Bigsmile*

Catchya y'all later. Take care.


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