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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/271374-Why-me
by Bek
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #569921
Looking for Drama??? Well you found it. There's a bit of it all here....read along!
#271374 added January 1, 2004 at 11:19pm
Restrictions: None
Why me....
Okay- so I have a few thoughts that are on my mind....

First of all, and I mentioned this was coming....

*Why do people block out what God wants them to do?*

Now, there are those that downright refuse to do what God wants. Out of fear...rebellion...whatever. Then, there are those that honestly haven't a clue that God is trying to tell them something. They don't know because they shut Him out. Maybe because they feel God can't possibly want us.... (Hey! He WANTS us to serve Him....do it!) Maybe because we are afraid to listen because serving God just might mean giving up things we like to do. Maintaining a new sort of lifestlye. But no. We are chickens and selfish and don't want to give things up. We run. We ignore. Ultimatly, we let God down.

Second of all....

*Just how is it that YOU screw up, and I have to suffer?*

Hi people. If I screw up, it should be me that suffers.... not other people. Therefore, I don't like it that when someone else screws up, I have to take the brunt of the issue and loss. I have to call on people for favors....to make up for your mistake. Please don't do this to me. It's not fair. And I don't do it to you. Please remember that pay backs aren't cool, and some day, I just may bounce back at you and not feel bad about it. It's done to me plenty of times. It's a chain. You screw up, and then rob me of something that I shouldn't be robbed of- you don't give me a choice, and option, or an alternative plan of any kind- and then, in order to make sure that I don't loose what I have recently worked very ahrd for, I have to call on a friend to help me out- therefore creating a little extra disturbance in their life. Thanks. We both appreciate it.

And third of all.....

*Can you plese try and get your priorities straight?*

I have a very specific list of priorities. And I follow them. On occasion, I jumble them around, and I do things out of order. But that is usually on a day where I can afford to jumble, and it doesn't matter when it gets done, as long as it does. Don't say you are going to do something if you aren't. Don't cancel plans last minute because someone else has called. Oh, but if you do....call whomever you originally had the plans with BEFORE you blow them off. Being blown off is bad enough- but not knowing it is even worse. Just know what you need to do, and do them. It is good to be flexible. It really is. it will get you far. But if you put the wrong things off.....you could end up being shoved aside on someone else's priority list. They'll cancel on you. And eventually, not feel too badly about it. After all, if you do it to them often enough- what's a time or two for them?

Yeah- so for those of you who haven't quit reading yet...these are just things that are on my mind. It's been a week of realization for me. I just got word that I got the promotion that I was waiting on, and that is a good thing. Going to be a long month and a half coming up- probably won't see that many of my friends or Joshua. But after wards, it will be a good deal. Good pay. Great benefits. Wonderful bonuses. Yay. Good deal.

Anyway, hope everyone had a very safe and jubilant New Year's celebration. I know most of the people at my job must have. No one showed up today. So I got to go in early. Fun fun.

Have a good weekend guys...and think of me, as I am wokring a 13 hour shift tomorrow. *smiles at that paycheck, but frowns at the amount of junk I'm going to have to do.*

The Bek

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