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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/245654-Oh-YeahTime-To-Gloat
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#245654 added June 11, 2003 at 12:40pm
Restrictions: None
Oh Yeah...Time To Gloat
I hadn't planned to be here today. I find myself with some unexpected time on my hands and what better way to spend it than by writing some drivel? I really should say...thought provoking glimpses into the wishing well of reality. *Confused* No...it will be just drivel...unless you're very stupid or easily impressed...in which case I'll seem brilliant and insightful to you.

The gremlins have united against me lately. For the most part I think we make our own luck but sometimes things are out of our hands. Kinda cryptic huh? Not really. It makes perfect sense to me coz unlike many or most at this site...I write for myself. Selfish? Maybe. You're still welcome to rummage around my port though. I don't put too many restrictions on who can or can't come in. No "over 18's only"...or..."bring your own budgies coz these ones are mine" rules here. I only ask you don't leave sticky fingerprints all over my stuff...or tease the poems. The poems? I've forgotten all about my poems. Damn. I should have been looking in on them once in awhile...at least to change their water or to make sure they haven't eaten the little ones.

This time last year I was very much into poems. Mostly my poems though...seeing as I'm so selfcentered. I don't recall writing a poem about me though...which is odd considering I'm so selfcentered. Maybe it's coz I'm too lazy or too stupid to have written a poem about myself. Or maybe I don't find myself interesting enough to warrant all the effort a poem requires. This is getting way too cerebral for me. I know coz I had to look up how to spell "cerebral" just now. That's always a sure sign of something very significant I'll bet.

My goodness but there are a lot of writers at this site isn't there? With so many to choose from WHY stop by here? I can only assume you've heard the rumors about the budgies and have come by to see for yourself. Well thank you. See...I don't have a mouth full of little colored feathers. I apologize to any Brits that may be reading this for my spelling of "colored". You're probably all totally confused right now. Let me save you a trip to the dictionary by translating for ya..."coloured". Is that better? Like my accent? Actually I prefer "coloured" to "colored" myself...seeing as I'm half English...but I've been exposed to the Yank's way of thinking for too long now. Although I do have to side with them when it comes to a car's "hood" instead of it's "bonnet". I'm undecided about "lorries".

You didn't know I'm half English? Which half I hear some of you asking out there? The ones paying attention. Why...the BEST half of course...although I'm VERY proud to be a Canadian. A Canadian who was born in Germany. Actually when I think about it...I can't take credit for being a Canadain, or being half English or even for being born in Germany. I can't take credit for my brown eyes either I'll bet...even though they're my best feature. Damn.

Okay...what can I take credit for then?

How about my love of what liliacs smell like on a spring morning breeze? Nope? My love of all things furry? Nope again? How about to save time I just start listing stuff and you wait till the end to arbitrarily say "nope"? For those Brits unfamilar with the word "arbitrarily"...don't feel bad...I had to look it up too. I'm told it means..."to excite or stimulate...usually with the help of fridge magnets or sock puppets." I apologize for using such big words. I've been trying to impress you.

Okay...here's my list of things I'd like to take credit for:

**** Every great TV theme music you've ever heard...from Hawaii 5"O" to the Addam's Family to Friends. Even shows that sucked or have long since died are still remembered coz of their catchy opening or closing tunes. Gilligan's Island...The Beverly Hillbillies...Mash...The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show. (I don't think any of these shows sucked by the way)

**** Brown sugar. Yum.

**** Anything to do with faeries. Will-of-the-wisp...pixies...toadstools...secluded glens or lonesome hill tops.

**** The fact I only have one dimple when I smile. I know I know...I'm a freak but I like living anyways.

**** Sand between my toes...(not in my swimming trunks though...or stuck to my bum. From the knees down is great)

**** Pirates

**** Whiskers...by "whiskers" I mean those found on cute furry little critters.

**** The number 12

**** The word "gloat"...which I'm told means..."to excite or stimulate...usually with the help of fridge magnets or sock puppets. Budgies are optional."

**** "Thank you's"

**** Clouds floating lazily by.

**** Grasshoppers...one of nature's most misunderstood creatures.

**** Bubbles...any kind really...the more the merrier though...(except in the blood)

**** Loud music

**** Anyone named Cinnamon

**** Slow dancing...(but not to loud music)

**** Slicing onions without crying.

**** Not getting eaten by crocodiles.

**** Flip flops on hot summer afternoons.

**** Long pointless stories that go on and on before unexpectedly endi

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