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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/224427-Day-Nine-Part-Four
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #539038
I'm beginng to update again, so look forward to more stories!
#224427 added February 25, 2003 at 12:10am
Restrictions: None
Day Nine, Part Four
         "You're hiding something, Naoko-chan," Kurama sat down next to me after a few minutes.
         "Leave me alone, Kitsune. I want to have these memorised before we land at Heathrow," I said, hoping he would get the message. Trust my luck to get me saddled with the one person on this whole, entire, rigmarole to know more than he needed to.
         "The Angel of Life is guarded by the Daughter of Death and the Princesses of the Elements. With the Sight, They shall conquer the World. With a Soft Touch They shall Rule it. With a Kiss They shall enslave it. A Scent will enchance the World. A Love will Keep It secure, and Beauty shall forever Endure. The Nameless One shall guide them," he said.
         I didn't look up at him. Suffice to say that I was... stunned. "How did you know that?" I asked him.
         "The kitsune youkos have had that prophecy for a long time. It's said to have been originated at the time of Lord Minai and his son, Kitsune. They married ninjens after all. You should know that, Duana," he said, using an ancient word for those who were both of this world and yet, not of the world.
         "We're not Duana," I immediately defended Su's heritage and mine.
         "Oh?" he said, mildly amused. "Look at me, little one, and tell me that you are not of Suriela's and Ruina's descent. Don't the names Cara and Camillie StarLight·DreamCasters mean anything to you?" he asked me.
         "You know damn well the answer to that question," I said, not looking at him. How the **ll did he find out about our heritage?
         He turned his back unto the others, shielding them and me from each other. His hand shot out and captured my chin. Irrationally, I focused on his hands. They were smooth, almost like a noblewoman's hands, but were warm like a man's. I was trying to keep my mind off him. He turned me to face him, but I refused to look at him. I closed my eyes. "Open your eyes!" he hissed. My body obeyed him. "Admit at least your true identity to me, little one. I hate being lied to," he said, his teeth clenched. His eyes, before this green, had started to change into a dangerous gold.
         "This has nothing to do with Voldemort," I said flatly.
         "It has everything to do with him, you little fool! He knows this, doesn't he? It's not so much as the youkos you girls are afraid of, it's the discovery that the Prophecy is true!" he said, correctly guessing the secret my sister and I had kept hidden since the first Element Princess was born.
         "What if it were?" I asked.
         "You'll have to help me there, little one. All I know is if he somehow gets control over you and you sister, this world is going to be worse than Hell!" he said.
         "No," I said. "That's not what's going to happen," I told him, shaking my head.
         "What will?" he asked, but I refused to answer him. "You asked for my true identity. Fine, I'll give it to you. I'm supposed to be the reincarnation of Cara StarLight, the Daughter of Death. Supposed is the word for it, as I have no idea how they validated it. I'm also the daughter of Ariala Lee Mitschenchov and Daneil Sionar. I'm a graduate of the Shilkagosa Shikigami School of Magic, as well as being the youngest Grandmaster of the RosĂ©. Do you know how *bleeeeeep!* *bleeeeeeeeeeeeppppp!!!* hard *bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!* it was keeping this secret?" I said.
         "The Dancing Scholar," he whispered.
         "What?" I asked him, a little distracted. To tell the truth, I was a little pissed off, worried and yet relieved at the same time. If Kurama could see clearly to penetrate our covers... Yet it was a relief to finally have someone else who was not out of this world... Well, not completely at least, who knew who we were.
         "Your secret is safe with me..." he began to say when we heard a large thud behind him.
         "Sorry..." everyone was saying. It appeared everyone had heard our conversation. Both Kurama and me fell heads first onto the floor.
         "They didn't hear anything. I made a barrier as soon as you appeared," I said in archaic Japanese.
         "We'll talk more of this anon," he said. I nodded grimly and went back to my reading. There was no need to worry Su over this yet.

© Copyright 2003 Karen Rump (UN: priestess at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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