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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/212972-long-week
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #541409
this is a honest look at my thoughts, keep your mind open
#212972 added December 11, 2002 at 9:57pm
Restrictions: None
long week
today is wed. or as i like to call it "hump day" ;) it has been a long ass week. i hate december. on monday i was having a nice brainless conv. w/ my friend michael, it was cut short because he had to help his parents go look for his little sister.
he called me next at midnight. he was sobbing uncontrolably, he just said, "my sister was rapped" omg........ i was shocked. he went on and told me that she had been out drinking with some of her friends and she had somehow got seperated, they live in a tiny town were there are lots of abandoned houses, so she got seperated with one or more guys. it was starting to get late so michael and his parents went looking for her. they searched for about 2 hours when michael's dad stumbled upon her getting raped. michael told me that he beat the guy up pretty badly, i don't know what happened after that, when i was talking to him they were taking her away in an ambulence, there were police everywhere and he was seriously freaking out. it is so horrible; she is only 14. i talked with him until about 1 am then he made some bs excuse and got off the phone. the next day he told me that he stayed up all night debating whether or not to go looking for the guy. in the end he didn't.
last night my other friend ferron called me and she was in tears. i can barely get her to talk to me in person; forget about trying to talk to her on the phone. she said she was having a hard time with everything and she couldn't deal. god. i really feel bad for her, she doesn't really confide in other friends, she stresses about everything and she has a really hard family life. i calmed her down and it was worked out that she would stay with me this weekend, hopefully everything will work out.
right now school sucks. last year i had a group of friends. i was never by myself and i guess you could say i was popular in a way. i was on student council and stuff like that. i'm not a prep, i'm just a big mouth who has to have her oponion known. right now i am just another brick in the wall or whatever. it is so weird. comeing from a place where everyone knows you and your family (my mom was widely known around the community) to a place where only a couple people know you. i basicly hang out with 2 people, a punk (monica) who is very aware of social status ( i quite honestly don't give a flying f about that if i am happy) and michael who is kind of out of the whole social thing. when i hang out with monica i am with a bunch of people making fun of gay people and talking about who they think are "posers". when i am with michael people look at us weird,i am not really sure why: it could be that i am white and he is native and we look weird together, it could be they are homophobs, or they might think that we go out. i don't know. people are messed up.
my hands are tired and i have to finish my algebra homework so this is were i will sign off.

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