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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/210366-To-clear-things-up
by Bek
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #569921
Looking for Drama??? Well you found it. There's a bit of it all here....read along!
#210366 added December 2, 2002 at 12:14pm
Restrictions: None
To clear things up.....
Good Afternoon everyone! Yeah. So, let me rant for a second about the weather eh? I hate snow. I hate it that I have to shovel. I hate that I live in NY- although not much longer ( less then 2 months now). Okay- over it.

Now, to clear things up a bit: I recieved a couple of emails, asking about the divorce, why I am getting one, and things like that. And I recieved one from a friend, someone who knows me personally, telling me that I should explain the reason for the divorce. So, here goes.

It goes like this: I came home from work on June 21, 2002, to a half empty house and a letter on the bed telling me that marriage was too much of a responsibilty (oh, ya think?) and that he needed some time. Um, no? This isn't the way to solve things....yeah, so anyway. It all boiled down to going to where he was, and begging and crying for him to come home. No, he didn't want to. But then he said, that he would be back, he just needed time. um, ok? So, anyways, after a few weeks, I stopped begging. You would think that after a few weeks of begging, he would have caved. But anyways, he didn't. Then I found out why. He had an internet girlfriend who was coming to New York from Colorado, to meet him. Coinsidence? Just giving a friend a place to stay? I don't think so. So, she came, I met her....and she left after a week. About one week after she was gone, he called. He was ready to work things out. So, I said we could try. I asked him if there was anything I should know before we got back together. He said no. I asked him about the girlfriend....did anything happen. His reply "oh, heck no. She was so annoying I wanted to send her back right away." yeah, okay. Well, rule of thumb, when your significant other stops touching you....with no reason, something isn't right. Well, he got me into his bed, and then, after that, was really funny. He was just a bit....different than before...so, I asked him again if he had been with her. Again, he said no. So, I told him that I knew different. That she had emailed me. ( no, she really hadn't.) So, he says "okay- yeah we did. But only once, and she was really really bad." Um- something wasn't right still. So, I asked if he was sure it was only once, and he said, "maybe twice." Yeah, and one more time? "Yeah, three times, but I swear that was it." Okay- so now, how many times had he lied? Well, then I found out it was unprotected one of the times. That is just not cool. First, lying, then cheating, then more liying, and now unprotected sex with a girl he had met that week for the first time? That is just wrong. So, I thought about it for awhile. And then decided that I couldn't be with him. I was decieved, lured into his bed, then lied to again and again. Then the truth came out.

This is why I am wanting this divorce so badly. Because I cannot be married to a guy who can't be honest with me, and who has no problem sleeping with someone he barely knows.

So now, back to the original question, now that you all know that circumstances, is it okat for me to wear white if I ever get remarried? This was brought up, and I just wanns know what other think.

Have a good day........


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