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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/209917-Let-there-be-Peach-on-Earth
by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
#209917 added November 30, 2002 at 10:25pm
Restrictions: None
"Let there be Peach on Earth"
That subject line is taken verbatim from the program for the Christmas Dinner Concert we had tonight at school. It's such a warm and fuzzy song.

I have a history project due Monday on the presidency. We have to pick a party (or make one up) and then create an entire presidential campaign out of it. I don't have a party yet, but I'm working on my platform.

Oops, just got a sunflower seed shell into the keyboard... What they don't know won't hurt...

Anyway, my platform is such that very few people would vote for it. I'm looking through the websites of third parties, and I think I'll use the Green Party for this project. So far it's the party I least disagree with. The things I disagree with in their platform are: legalizing marijuana/a stop to the war on drugs, and reparations to descendents of slaves. The drug thing is just stupid. People do have the right to do what they want with their bodies, but we shouldn't give them any more of an opportunity than they all ready have to legally kill themselves.

And I disagree with reparations. If the descendents of the slaves are repaid for the work their ancestors did, the descendents of severely overworked, underpaid immigrant factory workers should be repaid by corporate America for the work their ancestors did in conditions that at the very least rivaled the conditions slaves were in. They were "free" only in the loosest sense of the word. And then, also, the descendents of immigrants who were sent back to their homelands from Ellis Island should be paid reparations by the INS for emotional damage done to their ancestors. Injustices in the past which have little or no effect on people today and those injustices should be left in the past. (Actually, without some of those injustices I probably would not be here writing this. So I should say a hearty thank-you to the people at Ellis Island for sending my great-grandfather back to Eastern Europe... And another hearty thank-you to all the owners of the dozens of factories with awful conditions where my ancestors and their families worked for most of their lives... And yet another to the owners of the mines who wouldn't let my grandfather have any position of power solely because he was Italian... Oh, the list goes on and on...) No company has enough money to give everyone any substantial amount of money anyway.

Anyway, back to the project I'm working on. I'm really not a party person at all, because I have my own opinions on everything and can justify any one of them for you. Well, the vast majority at least.

And another equally foody typo: the Middle Yeast. I nearly sent that in an instant message just now.

Oh, to go back to the reparations thing... The Native Americans! How many injustices have those of European descent caused those peoples? Many of the people in those cultures (the cultures that have not been wiped out, obviously) still are living with the effects. And, to cross an ocean, at least the slaves didn't starve to death in the cold when their main source of food withered and died. Should the Irish sue the potatoes' descendents? And should Irish-Americans sue the potatoes for damages from having to move to the US to survive?

Okay, sort of off-topic, I'm going to list my ethnicities just to clear up any questions. Put together, I'm about 75% Irish, Italian, and Slovak. The other 25% is made up of German, Dutch, French, Scotch-Irish (Scots who moved to Northern Ireland), and English. There's two possibilities we're not entirely sure about. I might be part Jewish and/or part Hungarian. Records aren't always well kept. I'm such a mutt---and too pale for my own good in the summer. And I can't tell what color my eyes are. They're brown in the middle, and the outside changes from grey to blue to green and back again.

Complete change of topic now. I have such a hard time talking about myself. About fears or wishes or experiences anything of that nature. I have no fear of public speaking at all. Except when it comes to talking about myself....

I should get back to working on that project. And to finding a running-mate for the Green Party ticket, lol.

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